Triple O Ozone Mixer Assembly

Triple O Ozone Mixer Assembly
The in-line mixing system is an integral component of the Triple O Ozone system which increases the ozone benefits by treating well water with ozone prior to it enters the holding tank.
The mixer would be advantageous when the well water had nonpathogenic nuisance bacteria (e.g. coliform), or if used for surface water in combination with a UV disinfection lamp.

- Size: 7.0" x 20.5"x 2.5"
- Weight: 2 lbs.
- Flow Rate: 5 - 30 GPM
- Fittings: 1" or 1-1/2" PVC female output
- Fits: Triple O TWTS 101
How It Functions
The mixer is installed on the well feed line towards the water tank.
The ozone gas is directed from the ozone generator, via the mixer, to the filter module inside your holding tank.
The mixer automatically directs and mixes the ozone gas into the incoming water before the water enters your tank.
This process is achieved mechanically and requires no complicated controls.
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