Support Ticket - Requests

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Simply submit a support ticket and one of our team members will contact you within 24 hours. Thank you!

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Request Form

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Install Support Service
Request Form

Lets talk about installing your new water softener & filter system.

For installation of softeners and filters. Replacing and new installs. Just click below!

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TIP: What does a water softener loop look like?

Most homes built after 1990 have a pre-built water softener plumbing loop.  It may be copper, PVC or CPVC piping. You can check your garage and near your water heater. There should be an outlet and a drain nearby too.

Support Ticket
📷 Photos & Videos

TIP 💡:  Share Videos from your phone - Link Sharing

If a picture is worth a 1,000 words... how much is a video worth?

▶️ A video of your technical issue can greatly help our team provide your with fast answers. 

Copy/ Share your video from your phone.. It's easy!

This works great for large files.

Link Sharing

Link Sharing

Link Sharing

  • Use your phone to video the issue. You can help narrate on the video.
  • Select the video in your phone.
  • Select the Share or Link Share option.
  • Copy the video link.

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