Clean, Safe Drinking Water
Buy a filter, don't be a filter.

Water Drinking Filtration
What's in your water?

No more bottled waters
Invest in your healthy drinking water
The US family spends $457 per year on bottled water.
Invest in a home filtration system and get as good or better than bottled water quality at your home.
You'll save up over $400 every year!

🏆 Customer & Editor Favorite
SoftPro Whole House Chlorine+ Upflow Catalytic Filter
Get bottled-water quality for your entire house! ...from every faucet!
Quality, safe, tasty water.
Danger: increase in CHLORINE ADDITIVES
Stop Drinking Pool Water!

Many Americans are drinking up to 300 to 600 times above the EPA health guidelines of chlorine!
🛑 A necessary evil?... Today, more and more water companies are increasing their disinfectant dosage of chlorine. While it helps kill microbes and other waterborne issues, drinking chlorine, especially at high levels, is a real health concern.

Negative Chlorine Health Effects:
- Tends to form Trihalomethanes (THMs); can lead to cancer, and other issues
- Eye & Nose Irritation
- Stomach/ Gut Discomfort
- Dry, itchy, flaking skin and dandruff
*** The SoftPro Whole House Carbon+ Filter
Removes Chlorine AND Chloramines! ***
6 Month Money Back... The Quality Water Treatment Advantage

We are confident that you'll love the water treatment systems that we sell.
If you don't like it, return it for a full refund!
Danger: increase in Chloramine use
Chlorine & CHLORAMINE... Not in my water!

Unfortunately, more and more water companies are turning to increase their chloramine usage as a disinfectant in your tap water.

Negative Chloramine Health Effects:
- Respiratory problems & increased asthma risk from chloramine vapors.
- Aggravated digestive disorders
- Increase in pneumonia and other influenza-related death risk
- Decrease in red blood cell efficiency
- Dry, itchy, flaking skin and dandruff
*** The SoftPro Whole House Carbon+ Filter

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