Fayetteville, Arkansas | Drinking Water Utility Company
The neighborhood drinking water of Fayetteville Waterworks may be infected with several toxins like Desisopropylatrazine, p-Dichlorobenzene, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and may struggle with high scores of water hardness. Fayetteville Waterworks supplies the area with drinking water that originates its water from Purchased surface water.
What's in your drinking water?
Free Water Safety Report for Fayetteville Waterworks. (Limited Time)
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Fayetteville Waterworks Details

Area served:
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Population served:

Water source:
Purchased surface water


113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701

Contaminants Detected In Fayetteville, Arkansas
Bromodichloromethane; Chloroform; Chromium (hexavalent); Dibromochloromethane; Dichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Trichloroacetic aci… more

Free Water Safety Report for Fayetteville Waterworks. (Limited Time)
US Public Records
Fayetteville Waterworks
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by Fayetteville Waterworks
But Not Detected:
1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,4-Dioxane; Bromochloromethane; Bromoform; Bromomethane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloromethane; Cobalt; Molybdenum; Monobromoacetic acid; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)

What's in your drinking water?

Find out which contaminants are found above Legal and Health Guidelines.
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Fayetteville Waterworks
About Us
The Arkansas Department of Health has finished a Source Drinking water Vulnerability Assessment intended for Beaver Water Area. The assessment summarizes the potential for contamination of the source of drinking water and is used as the most basic for developing a resource water protection strategy. Based on the various requirements of the assessment, the water source continues to be determined to have a low susceptibility to contaminants. You may request an index of the Source Water Weaknesses Assessment from our workplace. As water moves over the surface from the land or throughout the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some cases, can pick up substances resulting from the existence of animals or coming from human activity. Contaminants which may be present in source drinking water include: Microbial pollutants such as viruses and bacteria, which may originate from sewage treatment vegetation, septic systems, farming livestock operations, and wildlife; Inorganic pollutants such as salts and metals, which can be natural or result from city stormwater runoff, commercial or domestic sewage discharges, oil and gas creation, mining, or harvesting; Pesticides and herbicides which might come from a variety of resources such as agriculture, city stormwater runoff, and residential uses; Organic and natural chemical contaminants which includes synthetic and risky organic chemicals, that are by-products of industrial procedures and petroleum creation, and can also originate from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and solid waste systems; Radioactive pollutants which can be naturally occurring or perhaps be the result of gas and oil production and exploration activities. To make sure tap water is safe to imbibe, EPA has rules which limit the number of certain contaminants in water provided by general public water systems. Fda (FDA) regulations set up limits for pollutants in bottled water which usually must provide equal protection for public well-being. All drinking water, which includes bottled water, may fairly be expected to consist of at least a small amount of some pollutants. The presence of contaminants will not necessarily indicate the water poses a health risk. Nevertheless, some people may be weaker to contaminants in drinking water than the basic population. Immuno-compromised individuals such as persons with cancer undergoing radiation treatment, persons who have gone through organ transplants, individuals with HIV/AIDS or additional immune system disorders, a few elderly, and babies can be particularly in danger from small amounts of contamination. These people ought to seek advice on the subject of drinking water from their physicians. More information about pollutants and potential wellness effects can be obtained simply by calling the Environmental Safety Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Servicenummer at 1-800-426-4791. Additionally, EPA/CDC guidelines upon appropriate means to reduce the risk of infection simply by microbiological contaminants are available from the A safe drinking water supply Hotline. If present, elevated levels of business leaders can cause serious health issues, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead found in drinking water is mainly from materials and components associated with support lines and residential plumbing. We are accountable for providing high-quality water, but cannot control the variety of materials utilized in plumbing components. Whenever your water has been seated for several hours, you can minimize the potential for business lead exposure by flushing your tap intended for 30 seconds to two minutes before applying water for consuming or cooking. In case you are concerned about lead within your water, you may want your water examined. Information on lead on drinking water, testing strategies, and steps you can take to reduce exposure is available from your Safe Drinking Water Hotline or perhaps at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/lead. In case you have any questions relating to this report or regarding your water power, please contact Bernard Nylander, Utilities Movie director, at 479-575-8386. We wish our valued clients to be informed of their water utility. If you would like to learn more, please go to any of our frequently scheduled meetings. They may be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in 4: 30 EVENING in Room 326 from the Fayetteville City Supervision Building at 113 W. Mountain in Fayetteville. We're very happy to present to you this kind of year's Annual Water Quality Report. This kind of report is designed to let you know about the quality of drinking water and services all of us deliver to you each day. Our goal is always to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of water, and we want one to understand, and be involved with, the efforts all of us make to continually improve the water treatment process and safeguard our water assets. T.

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Fayetteville Waterworks Drinking Water Company and EPAFayetteville Waterworks Drinking Water Report Info
Water & Sewer Operations This software manages the operations, maintenance, protection and training of the Water and Sewer Division. Water Maintenance The Water Maintenance Program maintains the water distribution systems and places growth for the cities of Farmington Fayetteville Goshen Greenland Johnson (portions of) Wheeler This program works with different divisions, consulting engineers and contractors on all factors of the water system. The water distribution machine consists of (kind of): 10 important pump stations with 21 pumps imparting water to over seventy-five,000 persons with over 39,000 bills 14 storage tanks 275 miles of carrier line three lake dams four,449 fireplace hydrants 782 miles of water mains 13,654 valves The City of Fayetteville buys its water wholesale from Beaver Water District, that's the most important issuer of ingesting water in Northwest Arkansas. The factor of the provider is the water remedy plant at Beaver Lake in Springdale. This water is treated to cutting-edge drinking water requirements (see Water Quality Report) and is pumped to the municipal machine through 10 miles long parallel 36 inch and forty-two-inch water transmission mains. The water device gives wholesale service to the cities of Elkins and West Fork, as well as Mount Olive Rural Water System and Washington Water Authority. Sewer Maintenance The Sewer Maintenance Program maintains the sewer series structures for the towns of Fayetteville, Farmington, Greenland, small quantities of Johnson, and the growth area, and offers wholesale carrier to the City of Elkins. This program manages the sewer overflow removal and rehabilitation packages and coordinates with federal and country regulatory organizations, agreement provider vendors and consulting engineering corporations running on sewer system projects. This application plays cleansing and maintenance, as well as coordinating sewer line replacements. The sewer device consists of over 550 miles of sewer mains and 12,050 manholes and serves over seventy-five,000 people through over 32,000 connections..
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
Fayetteville Waterworks Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

Fayetteville Waterworks provides drinking water services to the public of Fayetteville and Fayetteville, Arkansas.
For a Limited Time - Get the Fayetteville Waterworks Official Water Score Report for Free.

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