Marin County, California | Drinking Water Utility Company
The vicinity drinking water in North Marin Water District could be contaminated with considerable pollutants such as Bromodichloroacetic acid, 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene, Bromide and Chromium (hexavalent), while battling rising levels of water hardness. North Marin Water District services your region with drinking water that sources its water from Surface water.
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North Marin Water District Details

Area served:
Marin County, California

Population served:

Water source:
Surface water


999 Rush Creek Place , Novato, CA 94945

Contaminants Detected In Marin County, California
Bromodichloromethane; Chloroform; Chromium (hexavalent); Dibromochloromethane; Dichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Trichloroacetic aci… more

Limited Time: Free Official Water Safety Report for North Marin Water District!
US Public Records
North Marin Water District
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by North Marin Water District
But Not Detected:
1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,4-Dioxane; 17-beta-Estradiol; 4-Androstene-3,17-dione; Aluminum; Antimony; Arsenic; Barium; Beryllium; Bromochloromethane; Bromomethane; Cadmium; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloromethane; Cobalt; Equilin; Estriol; Estrone; Ethinyl estradiol; Manganese; Mercury (inorganic); Molybdenum; Monochloroacetic acid; Nitrate; Nitrite; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); Selenium; Silver; Testosterone; Thallium

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North Marin Water District
About Us
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For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
North Marin Water District Drinking Water Company and EPANorth Marin Water District Drinking Water Report Info
Novato History The District was shaped in April of 1948 after voter endorsement under the State law known as the County Water District Law. Preceding 1948, water administration to the Novato zone was given by the Novato Water Company, an exclusive public utility, worked for a long time by the Cain family. In 1947, as Novato started to change and develop from a little agrarian network, Al Tresch gained the water system. With around 500 clients the Novato Water Company started to encounter genuine water supply issues, since its current wells were not creating adequate great water to address its clients' issues. In the fall of 1947, with the apparition of constrained water supply approaching, the town heads welcomed Marin Municipal Water District to a gathering to demand that it expand its transmission line serving Hamilton Field to likewise serve the network of Novato. Marin Municipal turned down the solicitation. A board was then shaped to propel buying the Novato Water Company, building up a new wellspring of water supply, and to redesign and extend the system to address the issues of the developing Novato people group. The District was initially named North Marin County Water District. (In 1984, "County" was dropped from the name to wipe out any conceivable perplexity with respect to whether the District was an office of the County of Marin.) Shortly in the wake of framing the District, voters affirmed two bond issues to buy and overhaul the private water system and to develop Stafford Dam and treatment offices. The dam was finished in 1951, and the treatment plant was placed into activity the next year. Development of the District was fast during its initial long periods of activity, and in 1954 the spillway at Stafford Lake was raised to build the underlying store capacity of 1,720 section of land feet to 4,450 section of land feet, boosting yearly safe yield (in view of noteworthy hydrology accessible around then) to 2,000 section of land feet. During the accompanying five years, development surpassed prior forecasts and it ended up clear that the District was moving toward the cutoff of its capacity to make water accessible all through the system. Suggestions dependent on a 18-month concentrate finished in 1960 brought about effective arrangements with Sonoma County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (presently named the Sonoma County Water Agency) and the City of Petaluma for an agreement giving a yearly Russian River water supply to the District of 10,000 section of land feet. The agreement stipulated a water system capacity qualification of 6.5 a great many gallons for each day (mgd) to be conveyed by a reservoir conduit from the Russian River to Petaluma. Conveyance from Petaluma to Novato required the District to build a 9.4-mile, 30-inch bond lined and coal tar covered steel pipeline, the North Marin Aqueduct, which went into administration in December of 1961. The agreement pondered development of the Russian River to Cotati Intertie by around 1970 when capacity cutoff points were relied upon to be come to in the first 24-inch water channel from Cotati to Santa Rosa and when the capacity acquired in the Santa Rosa Aqueduct (a reservoir conduit from Santa Rosa to the Russian River) was never again accessible. The ten-year time frame from 1961 through 1970 saw the quantity of shoppers increment from 4,709 to 9,779, completed water stockpiling capacity (tank stockpiling) increment from 2 million gallons to 16 million gallons, and yearly water creation ascend from 2,139 section of land feet to 5,605 section of land feet, an expansion of 162 percent. In this equivalent period, the District encountered various additions in southern Sonoma County and western Marin, which expanded its administration region from 75 square miles to roughly 100 square miles. By 1970 it ended up obvious that the mulled over intertie among Cotati and the Russian River was required. Marin Municipal Water District, additionally trying to import Russian River water, was incorporated into the proposed option. In November of 1971, security races held in the Marin Municipal and North Marin administration territories neglected to give the vital authority to neighborhood financing of the venture. The issue flopped by an enormous edge in the Marin Municipal region (9 to 1) and by a thin edge (4 rate focuses shy of the 67% required) in the North Marin territory. Marin Municipal dropped out of the proposed venture and North Marin downsized a lot of proposed new capacity to a level at that point determined to meet Novato region needs through around 1986. Following a short association ban started in May 1973, the proposition was again displayed to North Marin voters and in June 1973 got 79 percent endorsement. In October, 1974, Sonoma County Water Agency's significant water temporary workers (Cities of Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Sonoma, Rohnert Park, and Cotati and the unique districts North Marin, Valley of the Moon and Forestville County Water District) consented to a new Master Arrangement (already every contractual worker had contracted independently with the Sonoma County Water Agency) accommodating water supply, reimbursement of the then existing reservoir conduit bond obligation and development of the new Russian River to Cotati Intertie venture. The agreement additionally accommodated a Water Advisory Committee made out of water temporary workers to every year survey Sonoma County Water Agency plans and spending plans. The intertie venture was put in administration in April 1977, at which time the District's water channel capacity privilege was expanded by the new Master Agreement to 11.2 mgd with an exceptional arrangement to build same to 14.8 mgd given certain conditions. In 1974 Stafford Treatment Plant was adjusted to build water creation This ta.
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
North Marin Water District Drinking Water Company and CDCQ. How can I find my assets traces? A. Your property line is a line identified on a plat map because of the boundary of your lot. These are typically marked by way of a survey marker (a pipe or metallic bar) buried barely beneath the floor on the corners of your private home. Often the front corners are placed a foot or so in the back of the sidewalk (toward the house). Our workplace can provide you with a plat drawing to assist you in locating the belongings pins. The Building department can be contacted via telephone at 515-967-5138 or in character on the at 1504 eighth St. SE (constructing south of the Campus). Q. How do I record a road mild being out? A. If an avenue light is out for your community, you can have the mild fixed by way of reporting it to MidAmerican Energy at 1-888-427-5632 or http://www.Midamericanenergy.Com (click at the button labeled “Submit a Streetlight Repair Request” Q. Does the City have a mosquito control software in vicinity? A. Yes. Mosquitoes may be dangerous with their hazard of transmitting illnesses, inclusive of encephalitis to humans and heartworms to pets. The City of Altoona periodically sprays mosquitoes starting in April till sometime in October, relying on mosquito be counted and climate situations. The City makes use of Kontrol 30-30 Concentrate and ULV Karrier Green. Altoona additionally uses an extremely-low volume cold aerosol insecticide generator/sprayer that objectives mosquitoes. Mosquito manipulates and safety are crucial. That is why we use chemicals and techniques that meet EPA standards. Q. Do metropolis facilities close for snow? A. Yes and no. The Altoona Public Library will close for inclement climate. The library reports modifications in hours to the Des Moines Register, WHO, KCCI and posts statistics on their website and Facebook web page positioned at www.Altoona.Lib.Ia.Us. City Hall, Police Department, Fire Department, and Public Works/Utilities do NOT near for inclement weather but our offerings may be laid low with climate activities. The Altoona Campus is controlled by way of a separate board and guidelines. In regards to their closure processes, please touch the Campus at 967-0788. Q. Who do I contact if my mailbox was broken during snow operations? A. Please contact City Hall at 967-5136. City Ordinance states that the City will NOT update mailboxes broken at some point in ordinary snow removal operations. We request that residents ensure their mailboxes are located the correct distance from the roadway consistent with USPS standards and use the perfect substances which will cope with the burden of snow being plowed..

North Marin Water District provides drinking water services to the public of Novato and Marin County, California.
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