Spearfish, South Dakota | Drinking Water Utility Company
The vicinity drinking water in Spearfish could be degraded with considerable pollutants such as Di-n-butyl phthalate and Acetochlor, and may suffer rising levels of water hardness. Spearfish supplies the area with drinking water that originates its water from Groundwater.
What's in your drinking water?
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Spearfish Details

Area served:
Spearfish, South Dakota

Population served:

Water source:


8 Southgate Street, Winchester, SD SO239EF

Contaminants Detected In Spearfish, South Dakota
Chromium (hexavalent); Nitrate; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) Barium… more

Limited Time: Free Official Water Safety Report for Spearfish!
US Public Records
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by Spearfish
But Not Detected:
Antimony; Arsenic; Beryllium; Cadmium; Chromium (total); Combined uranium; Fluoride; Haloacetic acids (HAA5); Mercury (inorganic); Nitrite; Radium-228; Radon; Selenium; Thallium

What's in your drinking water?

Find out which contaminants are found above Legal and Health Guidelines.
US Public Records
About Us
WATER QUALITY This past year, the City associated with Spearfish monitored your drinking water about possible contaminants. This report is a snapshot of the caliber of the water that people provided for the last 12 months. Included is information about where your water originates from, what it consists of, and how it even compares to Environmental Protection Company (EPA) and condition standards. We are committed to offering you information because knowledgeable customers are the best allies. Water Source We serve a lot more than 10, 697 customers typically 1, 990, 000 gallons of water daily. Our water is groundwater that people produce from nearby wells. The state offers assessed in our source water plus they have determined how the relative susceptibility rating for that Spearfish public water provide system is reduced. Additional Information The causes of drinking water (both faucet water and bottled water) consist of rivers, lakes, channels, ponds, reservoirs, comes, and wells. As water travels over the top of land or with the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring mineral deposits and can get substances resulting in the presence of creatures or from human being activity. Contaminants that may be present in supply water include • Microbial pollutants, such as infections and bacteria, which might come from sewage remedy plants, septic techniques, agricultural livestock procedures, and wildlife. • Inorganic pollutants, such as salts as well as metals, which could be naturally-occurring or derive from urban stormwater runoff, commercial or domestic wastewater discharges, gas and oil production, mining, or even farming. • Pesticides as well as herbicides, which may come from several sources such because of agriculture, urban stormwater runoff, as well as residential uses. • Natural chemical contaminants, such as synthetic and unstable organic chemicals, that are byproducts of commercial processes and oil production, and may also come from gasoline stations, urban stormwater runoff, as well as septic systems. • Radioactive pollutants, which can end up being naturally-occurring or be caused by oil and gasoline production and exploration activities. To ensure tap water is safe to consume, EPA prescribes rules which limit the number of certain contaminants in water supplied by public water techniques. FDA regulations set up limits for pollutants in bottled water which must supply the same protection about public health. Consuming water, including bottled water, may reasonably be anticipated to contain a minimum of small amounts associated with some contaminants. The presence of contaminants doesn't necessarily indicate which water poses a health risk. More information regarding contaminants and possible health effects can be acquired by calling environmentally friendly Protection Agency’s Secure Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). Many people may be more susceptible to contaminants in drinking water compared to the general population. Immunocompromised persons for example persons with most cancers undergoing chemotherapy, persons who've undergone organ transplants, individuals with HIV/AIDS or other defense mechanisms disorders, some seniors, and infants could be particularly at danger from infections. These folks should seek guidance about drinking water using their health care companies. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate ways to lessen the danger of infection by Cryptosporidium along with other microbial contaminants can be acquired by calling the environmental surroundings Protection Agency’s Secure Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). If present, elevated amounts of lead can cause serious health issues, especially for women that are pregnant and young kids. Lead in consuming water is mainly from materials and components related to service lines as well as home plumbing. The City associated with Spearfish public water supply system accounts for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control all of the materials used within plumbing components. Whenever your water has been sitting for many hours, you can minimize the possibility of lead exposure through flushing your faucet for 30 mere seconds to 2 mins before using water about drinking or cooking food. If you are worried about lead inside your water, you may decide to have your water examined. Information on a guide in drinking water, screening methods, and things you can do to minimize exposure can be obtained from the Secure Drinking Water Hotline or even at Http: //www. EPA. gov/safe water/lead. Detected Contaminants The attached table lists all of the drinking water contaminants that people detected during the 2018 season. The presence of those contaminants in the water doesn't necessarily indicate how the water poses the health risk. Unless of course otherwise noted, the information presented in this particular table is through testing is done The month of January 1 – Dec 31, 2018, Their state requires us to monitor for several contaminants less than once each year because the concentrations of those contaminants are not likely to vary significantly through year to 12 months. Some of the information, though a representative from the water quality, is several years old..

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Spearfish Drinking Water Company and EPASpearfish Drinking Water Report Info
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Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
Spearfish Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

Spearfish provides drinking water services to the public of Winchester and Spearfish, South Dakota.
Get the Spearfish Official Water Score Report for Free (Limited Time).

US Public Records
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