El Paso County, Colorado | Drinking Water Utility Company
The neighborhood drinking water of US Air Force Academy could be contaminated by considerable contaminants including but not limited to Ammonia, Aluminum, p-Cresol and Formaldehyde, and battle soaring tiers of water hardness. US Air Force Academy serves this region with drinking water which originates its water supply from Purchased surface water.
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US Air Force Academy Details

Area served:
El Paso County, Colorado

Population served:

Water source:
Purchased surface water


515 S Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Contaminants Detected In El Paso County, Colorado
Bromodichloromethane; Chloroform; Chromium (hexavalent); Dichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Trichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethan… more

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US Air Force Academy
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by US Air Force Academy
But Not Detected:
1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,4-Dioxane; Bromochloromethane; Bromoform; Bromomethane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloromethane; Cobalt; Dibromoacetic acid; Dibromochloromethane; Molybdenum; Monobromoacetic acid; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); Vanadium

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For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
US Air Force Academy Drinking Water Company and EPAUS Air Force Academy Drinking Water Report Info
Colorado Springs history is unordinary compared to how the remainder of the west was won. Established in 1871 by General William Jackson Palmer, the curious town started a retreat zone nicknamed "Little London" because of its prominence with English visitors. General Palmer had a grand vision for a sophisticated town, befitting his cultured spouse, Queen. Two years in the wake of establishing the town, General Palmer opened the Antler's Hotel, an important landmark in Colorado Springs history. The hotel welcomed U.S. and global guests just as those seeing the medical advantages of the copious daylight and dry climate. Not long after subsequent to opening the lodging, Palmer established the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. He contributed much more to Colorado Springs history by making awards or selling land for important civic foundations in the community. In the late 1800s, Colorado Springs formed into one of the most-visited goals in the U.S. Colorado Springs, the state's second-biggest city, has advanced into a sophisticated goal that has held the charming ambiance of a community. Numerous important structures and landmarks are named for General Palmer including Palmer High School, the close by town of Palmer Lake, Palmer Park and the Palmer Divide, only north of Colorado Springs. Cultural Crossroads Even before General Palmer imagined and fabricated the City of Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak filled in as a beacon attracting various cultures. These cultures left a changeless imprint upon the locale and Colorado Springs history. The Ute, Cheyenne and Arapaho are among the numerous American Indian countries that lived here or moved through the territory. The Ute would camp in the district's red rock canyons and drink from the foaming mineral springs that dab the town of Manitou Springs. The Ute name for Pikes Peak, Ta-Wa-Ah-Gath, means "Sun Mountain," for the manner in which its inclines reflect the sun's beams. The Spanish name for Pikes Peak was Almagre, a reference to the rosy color of the stone. This name is as yet utilized for the high, snow-capped edge only south of Pikes Peak. Both French and Spanish banners flew over this locale before the Louisiana Territory was purchased from France by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. In the mid 1800s, the U.S. government conveyed endeavors to investigate and delineate new domain. Zebulon Montgomery Pike was sent to what is currently Colorado. In November of 1806, he endeavored to climb the mountain that is named for him. He and his men were not satisfactorily dressed and didn't have the correct rigging to make it to the summit in November. His diary, distributed in 1810, was the main book to describe this locale and it enlivened others to go in his strides. Today, Pikes Peak is known as America's Mountain to respect Katharine Lee Bates, a meeting professor at Colorado College. After an excursion to the summit of Pikes Peak, she wrote the expressions of a ballad that would in the long run become the tune "America the Beautiful". Pikes Peak is a national icon and the ever-present outline of Colorado Springs history. Mining in Colorado Mining in the Pikes Peak locale was a colossal influence in Colorado Springs history. As ahead of schedule as the 1700s, the Spanish were prospecting and digging for precious metals. All through the mid nineteenth century, wayfarers reported that they discovered gold in the locale's streams and waterways. The public gave little consideration to these reports until tough occasions in the late 1850s restored enthusiasm for the accessibility of effectively mined riches. The 1858 discovery of gold close to the present site of downtown Denver started the Pikes Peak Gold Rush, so named after the best known landmark in the locale. In mid 1859, Colorado City was built up as an inventory town. The inhabitants sold nourishment, instruments and hardware to those heading out over Ute Pass to the mines in South Park. In 1890, the Colorado dash for unheard of wealth made it to the Pikes Peak locale when Bob Womack, a cattle rancher and low maintenance prospector, discovered gold on the Peak's western incline. Before long, the Cripple Creek-Victor Mining District became Colorado's most prominent gold camp attracting many thousands to the locale. Right up 'til today, gold is as yet being mined in Cripple Creek. The influence of our mining legacy can be seen all finished, from the enduring structures in Cripple Creek to the houses that recount to the narrative of our "rich" Colorado Springs history..
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
US Air Force Academy Drinking Water Company and CDCFrequently Asked Questions Table of Contents I. General When does Lakewood City Council Meet? How lengthy is a Council Member’s time? Are they full time? How plenty to they get paid? What is telephone wide variety to the Lakewood Board of Recreation? How do I hire the Women’s Club Pavilion or the Kiwanis Pavilion at Lakewood Park? Who do I inform about a road mild this is out? How do I document a strength outage? Who is NOPEC? Is each Lakewood resident a member of NOPEC? When will my road be resurfaced? Who do I touch if I have a complaint about high grass? Who is my Neighborhood Police Officer? I would love to agenda an appointment for immunizations, achieve copies of my immunization information, and so forth. How can I do this? Is there a snow parking ban? II. Municipal Income Tax Who must file a City of Lakewood tax go back? How can I pay my tax balance? What are the Tax Division’s everyday hours of operation? What is the Tax Division’s touch records? 2 Are retirees or disabled people required to report a Lakewood tax go back? Do residents who rent want to record a Lakewood tax go back? What is the City of Lakewood Tax Rate? Do I acquire credit score for taxes paid to different towns? What is the due date for the City of Lakewood’s tax to go back? Can the tax workplace assist me to prepare the City of Lakewood tax return? Are lottery/playing winnings taxable? Does your workplace handle assets taxes? Can you solution questions concerning Federal or State Taxes? Can you solution my questions about my new real property valuation and real estate taxes? III. Department of Human Resources Do you have got any present-day task openings? Can I depart an application for future vacancies? Do you've got full-time positions and component-time positions? IV. Human Services (Division of Aging, Youth & Early Childhood) Department of Human Services – (216) 529-6685 Is this a county? What does the Department of Human Services do? I stay in Lakewood and am being evicted, who can help me? I want to assist paying my utilities, who can assist me? Where can I go for meals and food stamps? I have gadgets I would like to donate, who can take delivery of those donations? I don’t have a doctor and I need assistance with paying my prescriptions. Who can I call? I am a veteran needing help, can town assist me? I am unemployed, in which can I discover an activity? I am a property owner and need help with domestic maintenance and/or yard work? 3 I suppose I might also have bedbugs, what do I do? I am having an economic issue, can all of us help me? Is this the social security workplace? Division of Early Childhood – Jessica Parker (216) 529-5018 What does the Division of Early Childhood provide? I am looking for childcare, where do I go? I even have questions about workforce/toddler ratios in childcare facilities? I am new to Lakewood and searching out things to do with my younger circle of relatives? Division of Youth – Colleen McNamara (216)529-6873 Is this the county? Who do I name if I think a baby is being abused? What does the Division of Youth do? My toddler is struggling at faculty, can you assist me? I am a parent with children and I need help, who can assist me? My toddler is in hassle with the police, who can I communicate to? My baby has been truant at college, who can I talk to? I have a middle college child and seeking out effective volunteer possibilities, do you realize of any? Division of Aging – DeDe MacNamee Gold.

US Air Force Academy provides drinking water services to the public of Colorado Springs and El Paso County, Colorado.
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US Public Records
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