Upflow Water Softener vs Downflow Water Softeners - What You Need To Know Before Buying!

upflow water softeners

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Upflow regeneration allows for a more precise recharge of the resin allowing the system to only recharge the depleted resin.

Upflow regeneration drives hardness away from the resin to the drain. Downflow regeneration forces untreated water through the now cleaned and recharged resin.
If the upflow water softeners drops below 3% a short regeneration will restore the system to get through the rest of the day until system regenerates at its scheduled time.

The SoftPro® New Age Technology reduces salt waste by as much as 75% & water waste by 64%

Craig "The Water Guy" Phillips

Learn More

Craig "The Water Guy" Phillips is the founder of Quality Water Treatment (QWT) and creator of SoftPro Water Systems. 

With over 30 years of experience, he's transformed the water treatment industry through honest solutions and innovative technology. 

Leading his family-owned business, Craig developed the acclaimed SoftPro line of water softeners and filtration systems while maintaining his mission of "transforming water for the betterment of humanity." 

He continues to create educational content helping homeowners make informed decisions about their water quality.

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