Fleck 5600 Mechanical Control Valve
Fleck 5600 3/4 Inch Manganese Greensand 12 Day Timer Control Valve

- Simple mechanical design is easy to use
- Non-corrosive, UV-resistant, fiber-reinforced polymer valve body
- Injector/drain modules containing the brine valve, flow controls, and injector are removable from the valve's exterior
- Ruggedly-built timer is designed with heavy-duty 3/8" wide plastic gears
- 5600 controls are user-friendly and easily programmable
- Choice of 7- or 12- day clock or demand regeneration with a mechanical meter
- Economical - small annual power consumption; keeps the time and activates the piston/valve mechanics with a single motor
- Designed with double backwash
- Continuous service flow rate of 20 GPM with a backwash of 7 GPM
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