Roseville, California | Drinking Water Utility Company
The regional drinking water in City of Roseville could possibly be tainted with a number of contaminants such as 2,4-D, Monochloroacetic acid, Chloromethane and Nitrate, while languishing high scores of water hardness. City of Roseville services the area with drinking water that sources its water supply from Surface water.
What's in your drinking water?
Free Official Water Safety Report for City of Roseville!
US Public Records
City of Roseville Details

Area served:
Roseville, California

Population served:

Water source:
Surface water


311 Vernon St., Roseville, CA 95678

Contaminants Detected In Roseville, California
Bromodichloromethane; Chloroform; Chromium (hexavalent); Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Arsenic; Monochloroacetic acid; Dichloroacetic acid; Trichloro… more

Free Official Water Safety Report for City of Roseville!
US Public Records
City of Roseville
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by City of Roseville
But Not Detected:
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane; 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane; 1,1,2-Trichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,1-Dichloropropene; 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP); 1,2-Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloropropane; 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,3-Dichloropropane; 1,3-Dichloropropene; 1,4-Dioxane; 17-beta-Estradiol; 2,2-Dichloropropane; 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Dioxin); 2,4,5-T; 2,4,5-TP (Silvex); 2,4-D; 3-Hydroxycarbofuran; 4-Androstene-3,17-dione; Acetone; Alachlor (Lasso); Aldicarb; Aldicarb sulfone; Aldicarb sulfoxide; Aldrin; Aluminum; Antimony; Arsenic; Asbestos; Atrazine; Barium; Bentazon (Basagran); Benzene; Benzo[a]pyrene; Beryllium; Bromacil; Bromobenzene; Bromochloromethane; Bromomethane; Butachlor; Cadmium; Carbaryl; Carbofuran; Carbon tetrachloride; Chlordane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloroethane; Chlorothalonil (Bravo); cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; Cobalt; Combined uranium; Cyanide; DCPA mono- and di-acid degradates; Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate; Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; Diazinon (Spectracide); Dibromoacetic acid; Dibromomethane; Dicamba; Dichlorodifluoromethane; Dichloromethane (methylene chloride); Dieldrin; Dimethoate; Dinoseb; Diquat; Endothall; Endrin; Equilin; Estriol; Estrone; Ethinyl estradiol; Ethyl tert-butyl ether; Ethylbenzene; Ethylene dibromide; Glyphosate; Heptachlor; Heptachlor epoxide; Hexachlorobenzene (HCB); Hexachlorobutadiene; Hexachlorocyclopentadiene; Isopropyl ether; Isopropylbenzene; Lindane; m- & p-Xylene; m-Dichlorobenzene; Manganese; Mercury (inorganic); Methomyl; Methoxychlor; Methyl ethyl ketone; Methyl isobutyl ketone; Metolachlor; Metribuzin; Molinate; Molybdenum; Monobromoacetic acid; Monochlorobenzene (chlorobenzene); MTBE; n-Butylbenzene; n-Propylbenzene; Naphthalene; Nitrate & nitrite; Nitrite; o-Chlorotoluene; o-Dichlorobenzene; o-Xylene; Oxamyl (Vydate); p-Chlorotoluene; p-Dichlorobenzene; p-Isopropyltoluene; Paraquat; Pentachlorophenol; Perchlorate; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); Picloram; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); Propachlor; Radium; combined (-226 & -228); Radium-226; Radium-228; sec-Butylbenzene; Selenium; Silver; Simazine; Strontium-90; Styrene; tert-Amyl methyl ether; tert-Butyl alcohol; tert-Butylbenzene; Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene); Thallium; Thiobencarb; Toluene; Toxaphene; trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene; Trichloroethylene; Trichlorofluoromethane; Trichlorotrifluoroethane; Trifluralin; Tritium; Vinyl chloride; Xylenes (total)

What's in your drinking water?

Find out which contaminants are found above Legal and Health Guidelines.
US Public Records
City of Roseville
About Us
The City of Roseville is pleased to provide you with this annual statement on the city offered drinking water. As in previous years, compliance using state and federal regulations concerning water quality have already been met or surpassed by the water offered. The safety and safety of the water program also continue as a top priority, with weaknesses assessment and protection measures being applied on an ongoing most basic. Under the guidelines given by the U. H. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Washington dc Department of Public well-being (State), the City of Roseville monitors and tests the water from the source to tap. The information offered in this report is perfect for the water provided January through December 2009 and includes information about where your drinking water comes from, what it consists of, and how it even compares to the standards set by regulatory agencies. Is endless this report will give you the answers to the questions you may have regarding the drinking water given by the City of Roseville. Additional information may be acquired by contacting the Roseville Water Treatment Plant at 916-791-4586, or through the town website at www.roseville. ca. us/EU. Environmentally friendly Utilities Department regularly reports at the Associated with Roseville Public Power Commission meetings kept on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 7 p. meters. in the City of Roseville Council Chambers. The general public is welcome to go to. Public Participation Drinking water S.

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
City of Roseville Drinking Water Company and EPACity of Roseville Drinking Water Report Info
Working for you Our council-manager shape of government combines the civic management of elected officers with the managerial enjoy of an appointed metropolis manager. Beyond all else, we are a provider organization, and we're here to serve our network. Government Overview.
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
City of Roseville Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

City of Roseville provides drinking water services to the public of Roseville and Roseville, California.
Limited Time - Get the City of Roseville Water Score Report for Free.

US Public Records
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