San Bernardino County, California | Drinking Water Utility Company
The community drinking water of Riverside Highland Water Company may be contaminated from many contaminants including but not limited to Heptachlor epoxide, Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and Nitrate, and struggle with abnormally high degradation of water hardness. Riverside Highland Water Company services your county with drinking water which originates its water supply from Groundwater.
What's in your drinking water?
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Riverside Highland Water Company Details

Area served:
San Bernardino County, California

Population served:

Water source:


12374 Michigan Street, Grand Terrace, CA 92313

Contaminants Detected In San Bernardino County, California
1,4-Dioxane; Arsenic; Chromium (hexavalent); Dibromochloromethane; Nitrate; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Arsenic; Monobromoacetic acid 1,1-Dichloroe… more

For a Limited Time - Get the Riverside Highland Water Company Official Water Score Report for Free.
US Public Records
Riverside Highland Water Company
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by Riverside Highland Water Company
But Not Detected:
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane; 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane; 1,1,2-Trichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,1-Dichloropropene; 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP); 1,2-Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloropropane; 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,3-Dichloropropane; 1,3-Dichloropropene; 2,2-Dichloropropane; Aluminum; Antimony; Benzene; Beryllium; bis(2-chloroethyl) ether; Bromobenzene; Bromochloromethane; Bromomethane; Cadmium; Carbon tetrachloride; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloroethane; Chloromethane; cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; Cobalt; Cyanide; Dibromomethane; Dichloroacetic acid; Dichlorodifluoromethane; Dichloromethane (methylene chloride); Ethylbenzene; Ethylene dibromide; Hexachlorobutadiene; Isopropylbenzene; m- & p-Xylene; m-Dichlorobenzene; Manganese; Mercury (inorganic); Methyl ethyl ketone; Methyl isobutyl ketone; Monochlorobenzene (chlorobenzene); MTBE; n-Butylbenzene; n-Propylbenzene; Naphthalene; Nitrite; o-Chlorotoluene; o-Dichlorobenzene; o-Xylene; p-Chlorotoluene; p-Dichlorobenzene; p-Isopropyltoluene; Perchlorate; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); sec-Butylbenzene; Selenium; Silver; Styrene; tert-Butylbenzene; Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene); Thallium; Toluene; trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene; Trichloroacetic acid; Trichloroethylene; Trichlorofluoromethane; Trichlorotrifluoroethane; Vinyl chloride; Xylenes (total)

What's in your drinking water?

Find out which contaminants are found above Legal and Health Guidelines.
US Public Records
Riverside Highland Water Company
About Us
There are approximately a million miles of water pipes in the United States. Since many modern water devices were initially built in the early to mid-1900’s many of those plumbing is now in need of an alternative. The American Culture of Civil Technicians has rated the united states Drinking Water Infrastructure countrywide a near faltering grade of Deb, stating, “There is surely an estimated 240, 500 water main fractures per year in the United States, losing over two trillion gallons of cured drinking water. ” In the 2017 Infrastructure Statement Card, the stated that an estimated $1 trillion is necessary to keep and expand to meet demands within the next 25 years. The American Water Functions Association 2017 Condition of the Industry Statement indicates that 63% of water market respondents cited the renewal and replacing aging water and wastewater infrastructure because critically important. 59% of respondents stated that financing for capital improvements as the 2nd most important issue facing the water industry. Riverside Highland Water Organization has understood that capital improvement, as well as the replacement of aging facilities, is one of the most critical aspects of operating a drinking water system. Since 1987, we have replaced a lot more than 36 miles of original water droits. This main alternative has resulted in a decrease from 139 water main leakages in 1985, before the Main Replacement System to an average of approximately 2 water primary leaks per year the past 10 years. This has likewise helped save drinking water. Unaccounted for drinking water is the difference between drinking water entering the water program and the water sent to our customers. Almost all water systems encounter some water loss while an ordinary part of procedures such as inaccurate metering, theft, and fireplug flushing. The EPA’s Office of Drinking water states that one of the very most important water effectiveness measures that a general public water system may implement is a water-loss management plan whose goal should be to accomplish the industry regular of 10% unaccounted for water. In 1985, Riverside Highland Water Company’s unaccounted for water was 39 percent. Due to the Capital Improvement System, we have reduced the number to less than 10 % every year since 1992. Even with the extremely low unaccounted for drinking water losses, your drinking water company continues to take the appropriate steps to reduce leaks additional. Riverside Highland Drinking water Company, among numerous other water companies, is replacing the polyethylene water lines that go from your water main towards the meter. It was found that the polyethylene plumbing that was used to change the old galvanized metal pipes at the same time all of us replaced the water droids did not live up to the manufacturer’s advertised lifetime. We are currently changing these service lines with copper plumbing, street by road until they are all replaced by new. In addition to main and support replacement, we have likewise replaced one tank, built six fresh reservoirs and set up a new roof about another. During this period, we now have drilled and outfitted four new water wells, replaced or constructed three booster channels, built a new business facility and changed all water meters with automated meters. We will continue with the Capital Improvement Program in 2018 simply by replacing the water droits and service lines on Vivienda, northwest of Van Buren and Mavis among Vivienda and The state of Michigan Street. We will certainly replace more support lines throughout the Town and purchase and change three chlorine pumping systems. We are also thinking about drilling and installing a new water well in the Colton region. If you have any queries regarding the Capital Improvement Plan or the drinking water company, please contact and talk to the General Manager, Put on Hough, at (909)825-4128..

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Riverside Highland Water Company Drinking Water Company and EPARiverside Highland Water Company Drinking Water Report Info
Strategic/MISSION The fundamental objective of the Management and Staff of Riverside Highland Water Company is to give our clients/investors with sheltered and solid drinking water at their tap. We are focused on superb client care and will react 24 hours out of each day, seven days per week, for both our local and water system water clients. On the off chance that whenever you see any surprising action, harm or spray painting at a Riverside Highland Water Company's office, it would be ideal if you call us at 909-825-4128. VISION During the year 2013, the Company will proceed with the system improvements by the extra substitution of the transmission mains, just as water principle substitution all through the City of Grand Terrace. We are proceeding to work with designers in Riverside County to grow our water system..
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
Riverside Highland Water Company Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

Riverside Highland Water Company provides drinking water services to the public of Grand Terrace and San Bernardino County, California.
Free Water Safety Report for Riverside Highland Water Company. (Limited Time)

US Public Records
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