SoftPro® Elite Water Softener for Well Water (Best Seller & Lifetime Warranty)
“I just wanted to say thank you for your excellent products and service over the past 12 years. ”
- Daniel R. - Texas
“I just wanted to say thank you for your excellent products and service over the past 12 years. ”
- Daniel R. - Texas
SoftPro® Elite Water Softener for Well Water (Best Seller & Lifetime Warranty)

The SoftPro Elite Water Softener Overview

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- Specs, Maintenance & What's Included
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- What Treatment Package Is Right for Me?
- Our In-Depth Product Review
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Soft Water. Re-Invented.
- Next Generation High-Efficiency Technology
- High-Flow Programmable Control Valve
- Up to 80,000 Grain Capacity


6 Month Money Back... The Quality Water Treatment Advantage

We are confident that you'll love the SoftPro products that we sell.
If you don't like it, return it for a full refund!


Salt Water Recharge
If total capacity goes below 3%, a short 15 minute ‘recharge’ will restore additional capacity so the softener can soften until the regular 2:00 a.m. regeneration time.

Precision Brining
Saves additional salt by pre-making only 70% of the brine. just before regeneration, the computer calculates the precise amount of brine top-up needed to regenerate only the depleted resin saving up to 30% more salt!

Soft Water Brine
Tank Refill
Conserve capacity and keep brine tank cleaner by adding only treated soft water to brine tank rather than raw untreated hard water.

Smart Clean
If no water is used for seven days, the system will perform an automatic refresh preventing bacteria growth.
The SoftPro Packages Explained...
Softener +
Hi, this is Craig with Quality Water Treatment. Also known as Craig the Water Guy. I hope you're doing great today. Today, we're going to go over our Well Water KDF filter package. It includes our soft pro high efficiency water softener, which is a one inch water softener. This water softener comes with a black neoprene jacket that protects the federal tag here. So you can install it outdoors without any issues there.
On your checkout page, I should check it out when you purchase this system. You could also add the outdoor protective cover that goes over the top of the control valve, which protects the control valve from outdoor elements. So installing this system outdoors is not an issue at all.
This system will remove up to three parts per million iron and up to one part per million manganese. With the help of the KDF 85 filter that hangs down in the tank over the resin bed, will also remove up to one part per million of sulfur and also remove heavy metals like copper and lead, zinc, magnesium, and other metals. The KDF filter itself actually gets back washed when the system does a regeneration process.
So when the system does its back wash, the water goes down through this distributor tube, goes and pushes up through the resin bed, and lifts up the KDF 85 media inside this filter module here and cleans it up along with the resin at the same time. The way we achieve this is we install a higher backwash button inside the control valve to give you the proper lift to clean the resin bed, which actually gives the resin bed even a better cleaning, which is good to have when you have manganese and iron into water. But it also is enough to lift the KDF 85 media to keep it clean as well.
Life Expectancy
The life expectancy of KDF 85 media, it really does depend on how bad your water is. It also depends on your water usage. But our experiences show at 3 to 5 years. At 3 to 5 years, you simply turn the water off, release the pressure, unscrew the control valve from the tank, unscrew the KDF media from the bottom of the control valve, pop the new one in, put it back together, and you're ready to go for another 3 to 5 years.
So very little maintenance there. If you have any more questions, please contact us at our toll free number on our website or shoot us an email or use our live chat. We have trained representatives ready to help you. Thank you very much and have a great day.
Softener + Pro Iron Filter
Improve Manganese, Sulfur and pH
Hi, this is Craig at Quality Water Treatment, also known as Craig the Water Guy. Today I want to go over our Well Plus Pro Iron Filter package with you.
This is our most popular well water package by far. And the reason why is because it will take care of multiple different contamination issues that you can find in your well water, such as high iron, high manganese, sulfur, which is that rotten egg smell that nobody likes. And it will also raise your pH as well. So it takes care of a lot of different issues. And of course, your water hardness, too. So let's go ahead and go over this real quick with you.
This particular system will remove up to 30 parts per million iron, which is a lot of iron. And it will also remove up to five parts per million of manganese and up to five parts per million of sulfur. It will also boost your pH above 7.0, regardless of whether it needs it or not. And the reason why it does that is because iron and manganese and sulfur will more readily oxidize in a high pH balanced water than it will a low pH balanced water.
So that is why the catalytic media inside this system, the catalytic media inside the system, will raise your pH. So let's go over how this system works. After your pressure tank, you're going to install these systems. The first one in line is your AIO iron filter system.
The way this system works is when the system goes to regenerate itself, it pulls an air pocket through a material on the side of the control valve. That air pocket sits right here in this tank. So as you go to use water, the water runs through this air pocket first, and that ends up oxidizing your iron, your manganese, and your sulfur so the katalox media can raise the pH to oxidize it even more and readily remove it without any issues.
The system is set up to backwash every four days. This is typical for any iron manganese sulfur type filter. It doesn't matter how much water you use. The reason why they have to be set for every four days is they continue to lift the katalox media up so the water can't channel through it, so it always has good contact so it can filter out those contaminants more readily and easier.
So every four days, the system is going to go through a backwash and clean itself. It's usually set for two AM in the morning or whatever time you want to set it for. Two AM is typical because that's when people are sleeping and nobody's using water during that time. Now that you removed all, if not most, of your iron, manganese, and sulfur from the water and raised your pH, you're going to run it through your soft pro elite high efficiency water softener.
That water runs through your resin bed, which is a 10 % crosslink resin, which is a very durable resin. And that is going to remove any remaining balance of manganese and iron from the water, as well as remove the hardness from the water. And then the water enters your home from there. So now you have nice, clean water for you and your family.
This system here is a high efficiency system, so it does use less salt and less water than your typical water softeners. Both of these systems are one inch control valves with one inch distributor tubes that the water runs in and out through these systems. So your pressure drop with these systems are very minimal in comparison to a three quarter inch system.
Now, these systems come standard with their own bypass valve. So if you need to maintain the systems, you can simply put a good bypass separately from each other to maintain the systems. The catalytic media inside this iron filter could last anywhere from 3 to 10 plus years. It really depends on how bad your water is, and it also depends on how much water you use. The resin itself can last 10 plus years.
And again, it's also depends on how bad your water is and how much water you use. Both systems come with a black neoprene jacket to protect the outer layer of the tanks. So these systems can be installed outdoors without any issues there. As you're checking out, you can actually buy a waterproof cover for these control valves. So you can install the systems outdoors because you have the waterproof covers on there now which protects the components of those control valves.
To size your system properly, use our sizing calculator as well as our well pump application on our iron filter page that you will be able to follow through to size your iron filter properly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call on our toll free number on our website or reach out through us through email or live chat. We have trained representatives that are more than happy to help you. Thank you very much and have a great day.
Why SoftPro Elite Stands Above The Crowd
Up to
Salt Savings
Up to
Operational Cost Savings

Save a LOT of Salt. Up to 50%.
Old, traditional system designs
simply gobble up salt.
New High-Efficient softeners can
save over 650+ pounds every year!

Reduce Expenses.
Want to keep more of your money?
SoftPro Elite High-Efficient design will
save up to
38% in Operational Costs
Every Year!

For DIY Homeowners, Handymen & Plumbers
Installation Made Easy For... EVERYONE!
Install and Manual.
Install Support ServicesSOFT WATER INVESTMENT/ ROI
🆓 The Water Softener Is FREE. Here's Why...

The water softener can pay for itself within 3.5 years.
With up to $517+ in real annual saving, investing in soft water treatment "pays" you, year after year.
(Smart ROI also applies to investing in a quality home drinking water filtration system... see below!)
💸 Hard water costs you over $500 per year!

Eliminate hard water costs AND enjoy spa-like soft water in your home.
💡 An investment in water softener treatment saves a typical household up to $517 per year. In some cases, these savings are substantially greater.

Reduce your weekly house cleaning by 80+ Hours!

And for those who don't like to house clean, soft water reduces weekly cleaning time from an average of 4:00 hours a week
>>> down to only 2:20 hours!
That's 87 hours of less cleaning per year!

[by Ohio State University study]
📈 Soft Water is Smart Water
High-efficient systems will breakeven within only 3.5 years.
Then afterwards, your water softener is essentially paying you $517 in savings per year.

More Power At Its Core

With the industry's most innovative design tech, SoftPro Elite is ready to take on even the hardest water.
So when you're powering through excessive mineral content water, SoftPro Elite puts the control in your hands.
Once the vacation mode feature is activated, the smart control valve will pause the water softener from regenerating while you are away on vacation.
If the water is not used for 7 days, the system will do a quick refresh to help keep bacteria from growing in the softener.
Never run out of soft water.
If system capacity goes below 3%, the system will do a quick 15 minute regeneration that restores system capacity.
You'll get the rest of day with soft water. Later at 2 AM, the system will perform a full regeneration.
Typically, the soft water reserve capacity will be equal to one day's worth of water usage. If you begin using the soft water reserve early in the morning — during your shower at 6 a.m. for example — you will still have enough soft water to last til the night.
In combination with the high-efficient, Auto Refresh mode feature, SoftPro only requires a 15% reserve capacity auto set in the programming. Other less-efficient systems require more water, up to 30% or more capacity.
Self charging capacitor keeps date & time for at least 48 hours. The program settings will remain in the control valve's permanent memory.
Ensure everything runs fluidly.
Higher peak water flow rates will power all of your appliances, tubs and showers.

Traditional, less-efficient systems may break your bank and your back by lugging heavy bags of salt every month... Don't be traditional.
SoftPro Elite minimizes how much salt is required to deliver your quality, soft water to you and your family.

WATER Analysis Report
Size Does Matter - Check Your Water & Options

- Get Your Free, Instant Water Report
- Custom Sizing Recommendations
- Get quality recommendations to match your specific needs
Making a Difference with Every Drop
SoftPro Elite changes the game by saving our precious resources. SoftPro Elite high-efficiency technology outperforms traditional systems.

So Many Benefits with Soft Water

SoftPro Well Filter Packages
Which Well filter Package is for you?
A Quality softener may not be enough... It depends on your water quality.

Get a water analysis and expert recommendations.
It's free and instant.
Well Water Treatment Package Options:

Water Softener
High-Efficient softener system to handle most typical well water needs.
- Hard Water
- Clear Water Iron, up to 3 PPM
- Manganese, up to 1 PPM
Package includes:
- SoftPro Elite Downflow Water Softener

Softener +
KDF MediaGuard Filter
An essential solution to reduce 99% of heavy metals, sulfur and iron content.
Additionally, the bacteriostatic media prevents bacteria growth in the system.
- Hard Water
- Clear Water Iron, up to 3 PPM
- Sulfur, up to 2 PPM
- Manganese, up to 1 PPM
- Prevents bacteria growth
Package includes:
- SoftPro Elite Downflow Water Softener
- KDF85 MediaGuard Filter (Pre-installed in softener tank. 8% crosslink resin will replace fine mesh resin in the softener tank.)

Softener +
SoftPro pH Neutralizer
Calcite Filter
Water softener system that reduces excessive acidic water by raising water's pH levels.
- Hard Water
- Clear Water Iron, up to 5 PPM
- Sulfur, up to 2 PPM
Package includes:
- SoftPro Elite Downflow Water Softener
- SoftPro pH Neutralizer
Calcite Filter

Softener +
SoftPro IronMaster AIO Filter
For well water with extremely high levels of iron, sulfur, manganese and/ or hydrogen sulfide.
- Hard Water
- Iron, up to 30 PPM
- Sulfur, up to 5 PPM
- Manganese, up to 7 PPM
- Acidic Water, raise pH to 7.0+
Package includes:
- SoftPro Elite Downflow Water Softener
- SoftPro Pro IronMaster
AIO Filter

Softener +
KDF MediaGuard Filter &
SoftPro pH Neutralizer
Calcite Filter
Treatment solution to treat acidic well water that also contains high levels of iron and/ or sulfur content, while bacteriostatic media prevents bacteria growth in the system.
- Hard Water
- Clear Water Iron, up to 3 PPM
- Sulfur, up to 2 PPM
- Acidic Water, raise pH to 7.0+
Package includes:
- SoftPro Elite Downflow Water Softener
- KDF85 MediaGuard Filter (Pre-installed in softener tank. 8% crosslink resin will replace fine mesh resin in the softener tank.)
- SoftPro pH Neutralizer Calcite Filter

Ultimate Solution
Softener, IronMaster AIO & pH Neutralizer
For the most complex well water conditions, the Ultimate Package is a great solution.
- Hard Water
- Iron, up to 30 PPM
- Sulfur, up to 5 PPM
- Manganese, up to 7 PPM
- Acidic Water, raise pH to 7.0+
Package includes:
- SoftPro Elite Downflow Water Softener
- SoftPro pH Neutralizer Calcite Filter
- SoftPro Pro IronMaster
AIO Filter
See what each well water solution package filters out...

Protect Your Investment. Reduce Condensation.

With your purchase today, we'll send you a neoprene jacket guard for free.
Yes, your complete softener system comes with a washable, removable neoprene jacket that makes it look spiffy.
But there’s another great reason for the jacket.
Sometimes a water softener can create pooling at the base during the water treatment process.
This jacket insulates the tank and helps reduce condensation that can happen during regeneration.
It protects your tank in high humidity as well as cold temps, and it’s easy to remove and easy to wash. We wish all our jackets did so much.
***Only available while supplies last.
Elevate Your Water.
Safe & Healthy.
Well water quality can change over time. Who knows who is about to move in nearby?
Investing in quality drinking water filtration is smart.
Here's our recommendations...
Kill viruses, bacteria. and other unwanted organisms.

- Viqua UV Light Disinfection System

Viqua UV Light Disinfection System
This UV system destroy 99.99% of harmful microorganisms without adding chemicals or changing your water’s taste or odor.
Ultraviolet water purification is the most effective method for disinfecting bacteria from the water.
Ultraviolet (UV) rays penetrate harmful pathogens in your home’s water and destroy illness-causing microorganisms by attacking their genetic core (DNA).
Dive into Our In-House Review

SoftPro Elite High-Efficiency Next Generation Water Softener For Well Water

The quick & dirty summary below...
- Effectively removes large amounts of iron and other minerals from well water
- Low maintenance
- Large 1" High-Flow Valve Ports
- Easy installation
- Easy-to-use control panel
- 3rd Party Rated
- Automatic refresh
- High-efficiency design
- Saves on salt
- Great diagnostic system
- Assembled in USA
"Basic" package takes longer to remove ferric iron (red water iron)
– See upgraded packages for other solutions.
- High-Efficiency
- Ease of use
- Low maintenance
- Safety features
Yes, there are lower-priced water softeners for well water out there, but with the Soft Pro Elite, you’ll get high-efficiency performance, a lifetime warranty, and some great features the competition doesn’t have.
For example, it offers optimum high-flow rate performance, and it’s the only system out there that features emergency regeneration, ensuring treated water keeps flowing on days when you use an excessive amount.
In addition to great features, the SoftPro Elite Water Softener for Well Water is super-easy to operate, super-efficient in salt usage, and will save you from headaches over maintenance and upkeep. For all these reasons, the SoftPro Elite is the well-water treatment system at the top of our list.
If you’re willing to invest in a superior-designed system that’s worry-free and tackles clear water iron in addition to hard water minerals, this system is for you.
With easy-to-use technology and plenty of package options to enhance its already premium performance, we feel The SoftPro Elite delivers excellent efficiency and reliability.
Read Our Full SoftPro Elite Water Softener Review Below:
In all of our years reviewing, testing, and comparing water softeners, we know what an efficient system looks like, and we know how to rate its performance against a user’s needs.
We acknowledge the gravity of deciding to invest in a unit that you’ll need to count on for years to come.
That’s why with confidence we can tell you that the SoftPro Elite will make your life easier and expertly treat your well water to preserve your plumbing, appliances and health.
It’s just plain worth the investment. So, here’s exactly how it measures up to our high standards…
There are several fantastic things that stick out to us when sizing up the SoftPro Elite Water Softener for Well Water.
The Basic package is capable of removing up to 3 ppm (parts per million) of clear water iron in addition to removing hard water minerals. (Plus, the Pro Iron packages can remove up to 30 ppm of iron!)
It provides high performance and high flow rate, meaning you can use a good amount of water without experiencing a drop in pressure. And the comparatively large brine tank means you don’t have to refill it with salt as often you would other systems.
When you combine the above with intelligent design, super-efficient fine mesh resin (more on that below), and super easy-to-use controls, you can see how the SoftPro Elite is one of the best on the market in terms of efficiency, minimal maintenance, and superior performance.
And now we’ll really break it down and show you all the factors that make the SoftPro Elite a system worth investing in.

For those with well water, there’s an added challenge to water treatment. Because iron is very present in the earth’s crust, and because heavy rain and snow can deliver iron deposits underground, wells just naturally accumulate iron.
The SoftPro Elite system is designed to treat well water specifically by using fine mesh resin, which means the beads are tinier and packed more densely than standard resin.

In a water softener’s ion-exchange process, sodium ions are swapped for positively charged calcium and magnesium ions. Iron is a positively charged cation, so like the hard water minerals, it’s attracted to the resin beads too.
Because fine mesh resin has a larger surface area for iron to attach to, the iron will be exchanged for sodium ions too. So, where standard resins simply remove calcium and magnesium, fine mesh resin can easily grab clear water iron too.
On top of that, fine mesh resin lasts longer and performs better than regular resin.
It’s important to know if you have clear water iron (ferrous) or red water iron (ferric), though, as red water iron takes a longer time clear out of your water. Simply fill a white bucket up with well water, and if it appears clear and stays clear after a few minutes, you have clear water iron that’s easy to treat with the SoftPro Elite system.
The SoftPro Elite features a large, 4-line touch pad LCD control panel. It uses easy-to-understand messaging, so no need to decode symbols or tech language that you’re not familiar with.
The intelligent technology comes with excellent diagnostics, too. If there’s an issue with a certain part, the system will walk you through different scenarios to narrow down the cause of the issue and determine its remedy. So don’t worry—you’ll feel like a SoftPro Elite expert the first time you use it!
Plumbers, Handymen, and Weekend Warriors

The SoftPro Elite system is one of the few water softeners on the market offering a lifetime warranty on the valve and the tank.
We’ve just laid out all of SoftPro Elite’s safety features so you already know it’s worry-free. But on the tiny chance that something goes awry, the manufacturer has your back for life..
Whole House Water Filters

When you purchase your SoftPro Elite unit, you’ll get the choice of adding on three different filters.
Each of these filters removes different materials and they compliment each other, meaning you can go with none, one, or all three, depending on the quality of your well water.

You’ll get good healthy water throughout the house.
No rotten eggs here! This filter removes up to 2 ppm of sulfur (and that rotten egg smell) in addition to removing other metals like iron, lead, copper, and zinc.
Plus, it keeps iron bacteria from growing in the water softener system, which can be a common issue for well water.

Who wants acidic water???
The pH Neutralizer Filter raises pH levels and is especially good at removing iron. It also helps to flush out trapped sediment.
It includes a calcite filter (an additional tank with another 1” SoftPro valve) and requires refilling the calcite approximately every 6 months.
The tank easily shows your calcite level to remove any guesswork.

The IronMaster Iron filter tank removes up to 30 ppm of iron, up to 5 ppm of sulfur, and up to 3 ppm of manganese.
It’s got the most efficient iron/manganese/sulfur removal media of any other system out there.
It’s so low maintenance, it doesn’t require any fancy chemicals to clean it—just water!

This is the package for the worst-case well water scenario, where you need to combat hard water, iron, and low pH.
It combines the above three add-on systems, flowing the water through the calcite tank, then through the IronMaster iron tank, then through the water softener.
Here’s a huge reason we love the SoftPro Elite system—and why we’re confident it will always have your back. Let’s say you’re using an excessive amount of water one day—you have lots of guests for the weekend and they’re all using showers.
You’ve got way more dishes and linens than usual to wash, and you’re running the hose in the backyard for the kiddie pool…The SoftPro Elite unit will sense the increase in water usage and will kick in a 15-minute Emergency Quick Regeneration to keep you in treated water for the rest of the day. It’s the definition of worry-free water treatment.
What’s more, we can’t find another system on the market offers that feature.
The SoftPro Elite system is designed to keep your tank free of issues. How? The Soft Water Brine Refill ensures soft water goes into the brine tank instead of hard water with iron deposits that could cause the injectors to clog and also create issues with the resin bed. So the Soft Water Brine Refill is a key feature, as it keeps both the brine tank and injectors clean.
The SoftPro Elite also features a gravel bed that keeps water flowing evenly though the resin bed. And there’s a grid plate (or salt platform) that sits at the bottom of the brine tank and helps displace the water so that more water can flow into the brine tank. This ensures there’s enough brine solution available during the regeneration process and keeps salt from bonding together at the bottom of the brine tank.
In addition to those great features, a safety float sits inside the brine tank to prevent overflow. Plus, you can truly enjoy that dream vacation because the Automatic System Refresh feature means stagnant water will flush out after 7 days of non-use. This is key in helping to prevent bacterial growth.
If you haven’t guessed, we’re highly recommending the SoftPro Elite system to tackle your well water’s hard water and iron issues. We find its intelligent design promises super-efficient performance for years to come, backed up by smart safety features.
Its control panel is just about the easiest on the market to navigate, and the package options allow you to address your well’s specific water-quality issues. Yes, you’ll spend a bit more on this unit than others on the market, but the SoftPro Elite is the one that has your back, gives you optimum performance and enhancement options, and saves you money on salt refills.
All that with a lifetime warranty? We’re sold.
Check your well pump's effective flow rate... Easy as 1, 2, 3...

Minimum Water Flow Rate Required:
The size of an iron filter or pH neutralizer system is dependent on the flow rate from your well pump.
Please check your flow rate to select the properly sized system.
Do not select a system that requires a higher flow rate.
>>>> Get your Flow Rate:
- Shut-off all faucets and make sure there is no running water.
- Place a 5 gallon bucket by a hose bib (spigot) near your well pump.
- Fully open the water hose bib until the well pump starts.
- Then, start filling up your 5 gallon bucket, and time how many seconds it takes to fill it up.
- Use the chart the following chart to get your flow rate.

Well Pump Effective Flow Rates
Properly Size Your Well Water Treatment Systems
This video will go over how to size a well water filter properly, it is easy to do yourself.
Hi, this is Craig the Water Guy from Quality Water Treatment. In this video, I will guide you on how to size an iron or pH filter system and package for your well water system properly.
It is important to size your filter properly to avoid problems such as the well pump not being able to backwash and clean the filter properly, which can cause headaches and service calls. I have put all my knowledge on our website to help you size the proper system so you can enjoy healthy, clean water for you and your family.
On our website, you can click on Well Water and scroll down to Well Pump Flow Rate to check your well pump effect with flow rate. Once you have gone through this process, you can choose the proper flow rate and size of your system. It's very simple and very important that you do that. If you have any questions, you can contact us through our toll-free number, live chat, or email.
Warning! Before you purchase a filter system for your well water, please STOP and watch this video.
It is very important that you size the filter system for your needs and system setup.
Otherwise, it could be a costly and horrible experience.

Note For Well Water Quality:
Proper softener operation and well water treatment may require additional filtration systems.
Your well water quality will affect the performance and requirements for proper water treatment.
Softener & Filter information
Specs, Details, Maintenance + More
Customer Unboxing Video
SoftPro Elite Water Softener
SoftPro Authorized Dealer

Real Experts. Real Value.

Providing the Best in Class
Water Treatment for Over 30 Years
Our mission is to empower people to live healthier, happier lives by providing quality water solutions for their families and businesses.
Quality Water Treatment has been delivering best-in-class water treatment solutions and customer service to people and businesses across North America since 1990.
We've done it all and seen it all!
As a family-owned business, our priority is our customers’ satisfaction. Reliable, economical water treatment can enhance quality of life in several ways:
- Improve taste
- Eliminate toxins
- Extend the life of appliances, pipes and fixtures
- Gentler on clothes, hair and skin
- Prevent costly plumbing corrosion and stains
We carry the best brands in the industry in value-added packages, making installation and operation of your water treatment system simple and efficient.

Intelligent Assessment

Everyone’s water treatment needs are different. With our innovative assessment technology, you can take the guesswork out of your water treatment options.
Leverage our Water Intelligence Engine™ to get the best expert recommendations for your unique water-quality needs. We’ll also help you discover what's really in your local drinking water and how the top brands stack up.
The Water Intelligence Engine™ will:
- Help you confidently and properly size a water softener solution to meet your space’s specific needs.
- Provide expert recommendations of various water treatment solutions.
- Thoroughly educate you on your options.
- Our newly updated Comparison Chart below compares all major brands.
- Our Water Score Report grades your local water quality and details any water contaminant findings.
Real Experts You Can Count On
At Quality Water Treatment, we treat our customers like family. And we know the products inside and out.
Don't waste your time wandering around your local big box store trying to find someone to help you.
You'll only find a pushy associate with limited knowledge, simply trying to move product from a limited inventory. Your odds of finding exactly what you need or finding a true expert are pretty low – generic water softeners and water filters at these stores often just don’t cut it.
Shop with confidence at Quality Water Treatment, and we’ll help you get the correct equipment for your specific needs and have it delivered right to your door!

Friendly, Expert Help at Your Fingertips

After over 30 years in business, we know water treatment like no one else! And we want you to leverage our expertise to get the best solutions for your needs and goals.
Our team of highly trained water treatment consultants is here to answer all of your questions.
We compare all major brands and show you all your options with no pushy sales tactics.
Everything you need to make the right decision is at your fingertips. You can also connect with us via live chat, text, phone and email.
Delivered to Your Door with Ease
All orders are processed within just 1 day.
With streamlined processes throughout our organization, we rapidly fulfill orders right after they're placed and ship them to your door – FAST!
No waiting. No hassle. We are 100% transparent about the status of your order at each step of the process.
You'll get automatic email alerts and you can check your order status at any time.

"Hands down, SoftPro Elite beats ALL the water softener competitors across the board in terms of next-generation technology, efficiency, warranty, value, and affordability.”
Affordable Ways to Pay

You deserve quality, clean, soft water, starting now!
We make purchasing the complete solution even easier with our flexible financing options.
Take advantage of QuadPay and make 4 easy interest-free payments over time. Or, pay a very small amount each month with Affirm.
We make buying simple and easy.
Real Experts That You Can Count On

Steer clear of the guessing game.
You are investing your hard earned money into a solution to provide quality water for your family.
We cut through the clutter for you to make the right decisions.
Unlike the big box stores…
Our team of experts recommend the best solutions that’s available in the entire marketplace.
Our water treatment consultants help you before AND after your purchase.
Our customers are like family.
Here's What Our Customers Are Saying...
“I just wanted to say thank you for your excellent products and service over the past 12 years. ” - Daniel R. - Texas
“After we installed the Softpro Elite I noticed a significant difference in the house water quality. ” - Julie M. - Florida
“I decided to go with the Softpro water softener over Fleck. Very impressed and satisfied with their products and customer service! ” - Roy P. - California