Boone County, Kentucky | Drinking Water Utility Company
The resident drinking water in Boone County Water & Sewer District could possibly be degraded from a number of pollutants such as 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, Diisobutyl phthalate and DCPA di-acid degradate, and may battle soaring ratings of water hardness. Boone County Water & Sewer District serves your region with drinking water that originates its water from Purchased surface water.
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Boone County Water & Sewer District Details

Area served:
Boone County, Kentucky

Population served:

Water source:
Purchased surface water


1314 North 7th Street, Columbia, KY 65201

Contaminants Detected In Boone County, Kentucky
Chromium (hexavalent); Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Chromium (hexavalent); 1,4-Dioxane; Chlorate; Molybdenum; Strontium; Vanadium… more

Limited Time: Free Official Water Safety Report for Boone County Water & Sewer District!
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Boone County Water & Sewer District
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by Boone County Water & Sewer District
But Not Detected:
1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,3-Butadiene; Asbestos; Bromochloromethane; Bromomethane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloromethane; Chromium (total); Cobalt; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)

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Boone County Water & Sewer District
About Us
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For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Boone County Water & Sewer District Drinking Water Company and EPABoone County Water & Sewer District Drinking Water Report Info
The Boone County Regional Sewer District (the District) was framed by a county-wide vote in October of 1973. The issue to make a territorial sewer district was set on a unique voting form by the Boone County Circuit Court in line with the Boone County Commission. The District was set up as a public sewer district under Chapter 204 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri. The District has proceeding with authority over all of unincorporated Boone County (regions outside of city limits). Every single enrolled voter of Boone County vote on District voting form issues. A five-part Board of Trustees is named by the County Commission to administer the District. One of the commissioners fills in as an individual from the Board. The District started as an arranging office with the Boone County Commission Office. Before the District's development, wastewater treatment systems serving numerous subdivisions in unincorporated Boone County were worked and kept up by people or property holder affiliations. Often these systems were not observed by an authorized and prepared administrator and neglected to fulfill Missouri water quality guidelines. From 1973 to 1980 the District had no full-time staff and sewer matters tumbled to County Planning and Zoning and the Public Works Department. In 1980 development and an expanded requirement for quality wastewater the board provoked the District to hold an authorized wastewater administrator. District staff started working wastewater treatment systems under agreement. During the mid eighties, the County Commission expected responsibility for sewer systems of twenty or more subdivisions. In 1985 the District obtained an extra fifteen wastewater accumulation and treatment systems from a privately owned business. The objective was to solidify sewer service in unincorporated Boone County under a solitary authority along these lines standardizing support practices and limiting expenses while securing public wellbeing and nature. As of now the District procured extra work force and received its present system of ascertaining client's charges which include a base service expense in addition to an extra charge dependent on water use. The District Board attempted to gain Federal and State award cash to build and improve the sewer system serving unincorporated Boone County in 1987. A bond issue of $4.5 million was put to the voters of Boone County to give a nearby match. The bond issue was crushed. The awards lapsed and the District was not ready to exploit Federal and State financing accessible to conceal to 90% of development costs. This is one of the essential reasons that the City of Columbia rates is not as much as District rates. The City of Columbia got state and government awards to help finance the development of its local wastewater treatment office. These awards paid off the City's obligation. Lower obligation cost took into account lower client rates. In 1987 the District Board employed Boone Electric Coop (BEC) to give charging and accumulations to District clients. Since most District clients were likewise individuals from BEC, it appeared well and good to merge charging for the two utilities. Since that time BEC's services to the District have expanded to include PC organizing, IT services, active mail, web and email services and more. At the point when the chief of the District surrendered in February of 1990, BEC offered impermanent administration services to the District's Board of Trustees. The agreement, intended to be an interval course of action, went on until May 2000. Weave Alderson and Al Lynch, BEC's head supervisor and right hand director, individually, filled similar jobs for the District. They focused on four primary objectives: 1) Improve the District's monetary wellbeing; 2) Develop agreeable associations with organizers, designers, auditors and officeholders of both the City and the County; 3) Develop a capital enhancements program concentrated on incorporating systems and dispensing with treatment offices; and 4) Improve the District's picture by executing an arrangement for protection fencing and landscaping around District treatment offices. BEC the board improved District funds by leading a client rate investigation and effectively setting off to the voters to expand rates. BEC created substitution plans and improved the nature of the District's armada. They likewise modernized the bookkeeping system and improved responsibility to the Board and the public. Soon after BEC started to deal with the District, an agreement was created with the City for counseling services from the City Sanitary Sewer Utility Department and that relationship still exists today. The association with the City has expanded to include discount treatment, sludge the board, fuel for the District's armada, plan audit and crisis service back-up. The City's collaboration in providing these services to the District lessens costs and builds effectiveness. The District's association with Boone County encouraged by BEC likewise stays solid today. In June of 1993, Alderson moved toward the Boone County Commission about enlisting a specialist to work half time on Neighborhood Improvement Districts (NID) for sewer enhancements. The District Board offered to pay half of the designer's pay. The commission concurred and Tom Ratermann joined the group. In 1997, Ratermann moved his office from County Public Works to the District base camp and started dedicating all his opportunity to sewer ventures. More data about Neighborhood Improvement Districts > In May of 2000, the board of the District moved from an agreement with Boone Electric to an agreement with Boone County. Stan Shawver, the head of County Planning and Building Inspections, joined the staff as low maintenance Executive Director, and Ratermann was elevated from Engineer to General Manager. Ratermann worked for the District as an agreement worker until April of 2004. Around then, the District Board employed him straightforwardly instead of experiencing Boone County Public Works. Ratermann remains the District's General Manager today. As the District's General Manager, Ratermann invests a lot of his energy proceeding with the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) started by BEC. The 1991 AC Kirkwood Report set the District on the way of dispensing with existing treatment offices by interconnecting fitting zones with the City of Columbia sanitary sewer system and moving the wastewater to the City's Regional WWTP or by structure and improving District plants to serve bigger geographic regions taking into consideration the coordination of existing accumulations systems and the conclusion of existing treatment offices. The Kirkwood Report has been refreshed and expanded in 2004 and 2007. Fruitful income security issue races held in 1997, 2003 and 2008 enabled the District to support its CIP through the low-intrigue State Revolving Fund program (SRF). Since 1997, with the assistance of the SRF, the District has killed nineteen tidal ponds and nine wastewater treatment plants improved four existing offices to serve a bigger territory and associated thirty subdivisions to the City of Columbia's sanitary sewer system. The District shut on a mix SRF Direct Loan and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Grant toward the finish of December 2009. The mix award/credit of around $1 Million each will support the following five tasks of the CIP. Culmination of this next round of activities will bring about the end of three treatment offices and one lift station. More data about the Capital Improvement Program > In 2009, the City and the District were conceded joint Tier 2 Continuing Authority by the Clean Water Commission (CWC). (The CWC is a seven-part resident's board that is designated by the Governor and affirmed by the Senate to oversee the MDNR Division of Environmental Quality.) Tier 2 Continuing Authority will support the District and the City proceed with their objective to regionalize sanitary sewer service and to decrease releases of treated wastewater to the rivulets and surges of Boone County. The District keeps on gaining noteworthy ground on each of the four of the objectives set in 1990 by BEC the executives. The District is monetarily solid; the capital enhancements program is well in progress; District staff and staff from the City of Columbia and Boone County Planning and Public Works departments collaborate from multiple points of view to serve the resident's of Boone County; and treatment offices arranged in intensely populated zones are conceal by security fencing and landscaping or have been dispensed with..
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
Boone County Water & Sewer District Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

Boone County Water & Sewer District provides drinking water services to the public of Columbia and Boone County, Kentucky.
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