Kill Devil Hill, North Carolina | Drinking Water Utility Company
The vicinity drinking water in Dare County Water System could be degraded by considerable impurities including but not limited to Metribuzin and Heptachlor epoxide, and may battle with rising degradation of water hardness. Dare County Water System supplies this county with drinking water which originates its water from Groundwater.
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Dare County Water System Details

Area served:
Kill Devil Hill, North Carolina

Population served:

Water source:


600 Mustian Street, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

Contaminants Detected In Kill Devil Hill, North Carolina
Bromodichloromethane; Bromoform; Chloroform; Chromium (hexavalent); Dibromochloromethane; Dichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Trichlor… more

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US Public Records
Dare County Water System
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by Dare County Water System
But Not Detected:
1,1,1-Trichloroethane; 1,1,2-Trichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP); 1,2-Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloropropane; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,4-Dioxane; 2,4,5-TP (Silvex); 2,4-D; Alachlor (Lasso); Antimony; Arsenic; Asbestos; Atrazine; Barium; Benzene; Benzo[a]pyrene; Beryllium; Bromochloromethane; Cadmium; Carbofuran; Carbon tetrachloride; Chlordane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloromethane; cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; Cobalt; Cyanide; Dalapon; Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate; Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; Dichloromethane (methylene chloride); Dinoseb; Endrin; Ethylbenzene; Ethylene dibromide; Heptachlor; Heptachlor epoxide; Hexachlorobenzene (HCB); Hexachlorocyclopentadiene; Lindane; Mercury (inorganic); Methoxychlor; Molybdenum; Monobromoacetic acid; Monochloroacetic acid; Monochlorobenzene (chlorobenzene); Nitrate; o-Dichlorobenzene; Oxamyl (Vydate); p-Dichlorobenzene; Pentachlorophenol; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); Picloram; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); Selenium; Simazine; Styrene; Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene); Thallium; Toluene; Toxaphene; trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; Trichloroethylene; Vanadium; Vinyl chloride; Xylenes (total)

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US Public Records
Dare County Water System
About Us
The city Water System (CWS) named above hereby confirms that all procedures under 40 CFR parts 141 and 142 requiring the introduction of, distribution of, and notification of a customer confidence report have already been executed. Further, the CWS certifies the info contained in the report is proper and consistent with the conformity monitoring data recently submitted to the primacy agency by their NUMERICAL CONTROL certified laboratory. Additionally, if this statement is being used to fulfill Tier 3 General public Notification requirements, because denoted by the checked out box below, the CWS certifies that public notification continues to be provided to the consumers under the needs of 40 CFR 141. 204(d). Please make sure to enter: Dare intended for Public Water Program Name. Note that since SWAP results and reports are regularly updated by the PWS Section, the outcomes available on this website may differ from the effects that were available at the time this CCR was prepared. If you are not able to access your EXCHANGE report on the web, you might mail a created request for a imprinted copy to Resource Water Assessment System - Report Demand, 1634 Mail Support Center, Raleigh, NUMERICAL CONTROL 27699-1634, or contact requests to swap@ncdenr. gov. Please show your system name, quantity, and provide your name, sending the address and contact number. If you have any queries about the EXCHANGE report please get in touch with the Source Water Evaluation staff by telephone at 919-707-9098..

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Dare County Water System Drinking Water Company and EPADare County Water System Drinking Water Report Info
Dare County is situated in northeastern North Carolina along the Atlantic seaboard. Dare County extends along right around 110 miles of shoreline known as the Outer Banks. The County situate at Manteo is roughly 200 miles east of Raleigh, the State capital, and 90 miles south of the Virginia Beach-Norfolk, Virginia, metropolitan region. Dare County was shaped in 1870 and is named out of appreciation for Virginia Dare, the primary kid conceived of English guardians in America. The County contains quite a bit of what is known as North Carolina's "External Banks" resort and excursion zones and contains around 66% of the North Carolina coastline. It is the host to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, the Wright Brothers National Monument, the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, Jockey's Ridge State Park, the Elizabeth II State Historic Site, the Roanoke Island Festival Park, the North Carolina Aquarium and the Nags Head Woods Nature Preserve. Dare County has a perpetual populace of around 33,920. Be that as it may, the province's travel industry brings about a huge regular populace with a normal populace from June through August assessed to be roughly 225,000 to 300,000. Six districts are situated inside the province: Duck, Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, Manteo, Nags Head and Southern Shores. The County has a Commissioner/Manager type of Government. The seven individuals from the Board of Commissioners serve stunned four-year terms..
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
Dare County Water System Drinking Water Company and CDCHow lots of water does the facility produce? The facility has 11 uncooked water wells with a potential of two million gallons in keeping with day every.Where does the water come from? The Vicksburg Water Treatment Plant makes use of floor water for its uncooked water supply. What is groundwater, you may ask? It's the water that lies under the earth's floor that is saved in aquifers. Aquifers are underground rock formations, caverns, and beds of sand and gravel. Water is pumped out of them by way of wells. These aquifers are the supply for many public water utilities and personal wells. In truth, nearly 1/2 of our country's consuming water comes from groundwater. Protecting groundwater is anybody's business. It's the simplest manner to make sure easy, plentiful groundwater---a key to our fitness and way of existence! How are floor water substances replenished? Groundwater is part of the water (hydrologic) cycle--nature's device for renewing water materials. This consists of Condensation, where water vapor cools and will become tiny water droplets. These connect and shape clouds. Evaporation, which occurs when the sun's heat floor water changes to water vapor and rises into the air. Precipitation, which happens while the clouds get too heavy, the waterfalls back to the earth as rain, snow, sleet or hail. Infiltration is the period for water that sinks into the floor and is stored in aquifers. And eventually, surface runoff, that is the term implemented to water that can enter the earth as it runs throughout the earth into lakes, rivers, reservoirs, and so forth. All those herbal cycles contribute to the level of useable water in an aquifer. So, you could see that rainfall deficit and the rise and fall of herbal or artificial surface water sources can substantially decide the amount of water to be had for treatment flowers that use floor water for his or her raw water supply. We can't manipulate these herbal changes, however, we will make a distinction via practicing water conservation. How can I make a difference? You can make a difference at domestic and on your community in important ways. Conserve Water: · By repairing all household leaks · Use water-saving bathe heads, taps, lavatories, and appliances. · Wash the best full masses of garments or dishes. · Turn off the water even as brushing tooth or shaving. · Take shorter showers. Protect Water: · Limit the use of family and garden chemicals. · Never pour chemicals or paint down the sink or typhoon drain, or at the ground. · Bring all hazardous wastes (including motor oil) to a risky waste series middle. Help preserve groundwater natural and flowing. Work with pals and local officials to · Learn about groundwater at your place. Learn wherein your ground water involves the floor (discharge areas) and in which your aquifer refills (recharge regions). · Identify possible dangers in your groundwater deliver and develop plans to shield touchy lands, such as discharge and recharge areas. Get concerned with network programs for the secure disposal of hazardous waste. For more information about defensive your water supply and resources touch: · your water utility at 601-634-4542 or 601-636-2037. · your neighborhood or nation water branch. (Warren County Board of Health workplace or The Mississippi State Department of Health, Division of Water Supply. · the Environmental Protection Agency Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791) Join the attempt to make certain reliable water deliver for years to come! How do groups pay for easy water? Communities have subsequent options for assembly smooth water charges: User costs: Utility Bills- A direct rate to customers based on the quantity of water used. Assessments- Other fees, such as expenses to attach new houses or organizations to the machine. Property taxes offer working funds via taxing all homes. State taxes and low-interest loans from nation revolving loans finances in addition to presents, help finance the construction of the latest or improve existing centers. How do I calculate my water invoice? Your water invoice is based on the quantity of water you use according to month. The Vicksburg Water and Gas Administration handles all billing approaches. You can visit their web page to look fee charts and samples of a way to calculate a bill..

Dare County Water System provides drinking water services to the public of Kill Devil Hills and Kill Devil Hill, North Carolina.
Limited Time: Free Official Water Safety Report for Dare County Water System!

US Public Records
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