Dixon, Illinois | Drinking Water Utility Company
The regional drinking water of Dixon may be degraded with many impurities like tert-Butyl alcohol, Monobromoacetic acid and Fluoranthene, and may battle abnormally high scores of water hardness. Dixon serves your region with drinking water that originates its water supply from Groundwater.
What's in your drinking water?
Limited Time: Free Water Safety Report for Dixon.
US Public Records
Dixon Details

Area served:
Dixon, Illinois

Population served:

Water source:


87 South Hennepin Avenue, Dixon, IL 61021

Contaminants Detected In Dixon, Illinois
Arsenic; Bromodichloromethane; Chloroform; Dibromochloromethane; Dichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Trichloroacetic acid; Bromodichlo… more

Limited Time: Free Water Safety Report for Dixon.
US Public Records
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by Dixon
But Not Detected:
1,1,1-Trichloroethane; 1,1,2-Trichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP); 1,2-Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloropropane; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,3-Dinitrobenzene; 1,4-Dioxane; 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexabromobiphenyl ether; 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexabromodiphenyl ether; 2,2',4,4',5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether; 2,2',4,4',6-Pentabromodiphenyl ether; 2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether; 2,4,5-TP (Silvex); 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene; 2,4-D; 3-Hydroxycarbofuran; Acetochlor; Acifluorfen (Blazer); Alachlor (Lasso); Aldrin; Aluminum; Antimony; Atrazine; Benzene; Benzo[a]pyrene; Beryllium; Bromacil; Bromochloromethane; Bromoform; Bromomethane; Cadmium; Carbofuran; Carbon tetrachloride; Chlorate; Chlordane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloromethane; cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; Cobalt; Cyanazine (Bladex); Cyanide; Dalapon; Ddt; Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate; Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; Dicamba; Dichloromethane (methylene chloride); Dieldrin; Dimethoate; Dinoseb; Diquat; Endothall; Endrin; Ethylbenzene; Ethylene dibromide; Heptachlor; Heptachlor epoxide; Hexachlorobenzene (HCB); Hexachlorocyclopentadiene; Lindane; Mercury (inorganic); Methoxychlor; Metolachlor; Metribuzin; Monobromoacetic acid; Monochloroacetic acid; Monochlorobenzene (chlorobenzene); MTBE; Nitrate; Nitrate & nitrite; Nitrite; o-Dichlorobenzene; Oxamyl (Vydate); p-Dichlorobenzene; Pentachlorophenol; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); Phenols; Picloram; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); Propachlor; RDX (Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine); Selenium; Silver; Simazine; Styrene; Terbufos sulfone; Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene); Thallium; Toluene; Toxaphene; trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; Trichloroethylene; Trifluralin; Vanadium; Vinyl chloride; Xylenes (total)

What's in your drinking water?

Find out which contaminants are found above Legal and Health Guidelines.
US Public Records
About Us
Is my water safe? The location of Dixon is pleased to present this kind of year's Annual Drinking water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) since required by the A safe drinking water supply Act (SDWA). This kind of report is designed to give details about where the water comes from, what contains, and how that compares to standards place by regulatory firms. This report is known as a snapshot of the previous year's water top quality. Dixon Public Performs is committed to giving you information because educated customers are each of our best allies. Should I take special safeguards? Some people may be weaker to contaminants found in drinking water than the standard population. Immuno-compromised people such as persons with cancer undergoing radiation treatment, persons who have been through organ transplants, people who have HIV/AIDS or various other immune system disorders, several elderly, and newborns can be particularly in danger from infections. These folks should seek suggestions about drinking water off their health care providers. EPA/Centers to get Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on best-suited means to lessen the chance of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial impurities are available from the Secure Water Drinking Servicenummer (800-426-4791). Where does my water is derived from? The City of Dixon Water Department products citizens with groundwater from seven boreholes ranging in drilled depth from one particular, 600 to 1, 800 feet. These boreholes are located at different locations throughout the metropolis. Two of the boreholes are located on the north side and the staying five wells are situated on the south lateral. Source water examination and its availability We wish our valued consumers to be informed of the water quality. If you wish to learn more, please twenty-four hours a day attend our regularly scheduled meetings. The source water assessment to get our supply is over by the Illinois ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. If you would like a copy with this information, please phone our water user at 815-288-4557. To watch a summary version in the completed Source Drinking water Assessments, including: Need for Source Water; Susceptibility of Contamination Perseverance; and documentation/recommendation of Source Water Security Efforts, you may get the Illinois ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY website at http://www.epa.state.il.us/cgi-bin/wp/swap-fact-sheets.pl Based on information attained in a Well Web page Survey published in 1990 by The state of Illinois EPA, several potential secondary sources are situated within 1, 1000 feet of many of the wells. The Illinois EPA features determined that the Dixon Community Water Supply’ source water is not susceptible to toxins. The determination is dependent on several criteria which include: monitoring conducted on the well: monitoring executed at the entry point for the distribution system: and available hydrogeologic info on the wells. Furthermore, in anticipation of the Circumstance. S. EPA’s purposed Ground Water Regulation, the Illinois ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY has determined the fact that Dixon Community Hydrant is not prone to viral contamination. This kind of determination is based after the evaluation in the following criteria through the Vulnerability Waiver Approach: the community’ boreholes are properly designed with sound integrity and proper siting circumstances: a hydraulic buffer exists which should stop pathogen movement: most potential routes and sanitary defects had been mitigated such that the source water is effectively protected: monitoring info did not indicate as well as of disease episode: and the sanitary review of the water supply tend not to indicate a virus-like contamination threat. As the community wells are constructed in a restricted aquifer, which should stop the movement of pathogens into the wells, very well hydraulics were not considered to be a significant aspect of susceptibility determination. Consequently, well hydraulics weren't evaluated for this system’s water supply. Drinking water, which includes bottled water, may moderately be expected to include at least a small amount of some impurities. The presence of contaminants would not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More details about contaminants and potential health results can be obtained by naming the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Servicenummer (800-426-4791)..

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Dixon Drinking Water Company and EPADixon Drinking Water Report Info
By voter choice go in November 2014, the city's administrative type of government was set up in City of Dixon. What is an administrative type of government, which is utilized today by such a significant number of urban communities, towns, and areas? Administrative type of government joins the solid political authority of chose officials with the solid administrative experience of a selected supervisor. All power and position to set approach rests with a chosen overseeing body, which incorporates the civic chairman and individuals from the board. The administering body thus enlists a nonpartisan director who has exceptionally wide power to run the association. Resulting from the U.S. Dynamic Reform Movement at the turn of the twentieth century, the city administrator system was intended to battle defilement and unscrupulous action in neighborhood government by advancing compelling administration inside a straightforward, responsive, and responsible structure. Since its foundation, the administrative structure has turned into the most prominent structure of neighborhood government in the United States. The structure is likewise broadly utilized all through the world in nations, for example, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom..
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
Dixon Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

Dixon provides drinking water services to the public of Dixon and Dixon, Illinois.
Get the official Dixon Water Score Report for Free (Limited Time).

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