Local Installer Directory

Local Installer Directory


Be part of the team!
We are looking for local installer to help homeowners with their new water softeners and filters.

Seeking plumbers, installers, handymen in your local area.
Check it out.

Get Free Homeowner
Job Referrals

We provide installers with live tech support,
 and the detailed job description/ instructions including photos and videos of the job site.

How It Works

1) The Homeowner Submits an Easy,
New Install Form

They provide photos, videos and information about the equipment location area.

2) Our Install Team Will Review the Homeowner's Request

We will review the information. If needed, we'll reach out to the homeowner to clarify any details.

3) We Find and Schedule A Local Installer

Once an installer is selected,
we introduce you and the homeowner. And you can schedule th job.

4) Onsite Confirmation

At your install appointment, simply review the project.

At this time, the installer will confirm or, if needed, adjust the initial quote prior to installation.

Get any changes in writing beforehand.

5) Homeowner Pays the Installer Direct

If you agree to the final written quote and after the work has been completed,
the homeowner simply pays the installer direct as  agreed.

Other Home Repairs Needed?

Work Direct For Additional Repairs

Get Additional Home Repairs and Improvement Projects Quoted

Since you and the installer will contract outside of QWT, you can request additional home repairs/ improvements!

Just work with the installer for additional quotes. You and the installer can negotiate separately. We suggest that you get any quotes in writing.

Earn Additional Commission

Sell water softeners & Filters

We offer high quality water treatment products for over 30 years.

Earn commissions on new products that you sell.

  • Water Softeners
  • Whole House Filters
  • RO Filtration Systems
  • and more!

Our team can also help sell for you.

Just refer us your customer, and we'll present the best options for them.

TIP: What does a water softener loop look like?

Most homes built after 1990 have a pre-built water softener plumbing loop.  It may be copper, PVC or CPVC piping. You can check your garage and near your water heater. There should be an outlet and a drain nearby too.

About Local Installers & Homeowners

You get the final Decision

Local installers work as independent contractors directly with the homeowner. 

We will interact with local handymen and provide them with information about the installation job. At the location, it will be reviewed to see if there are any added complexities. If needed, the homeowner and the installer can work out any additional issues. Be sure to get any changes in writing.

Note: The client/ homeowner has the right, and is highly suggested, to make further investigations on an installer's insurance coverage, licensing and personal and company background check. We reserve the right to perform investigations on an installer. At this time, we are not reviewing the installer's insurance coverage, licensing nor perform a background investigations. 


NOTE: Quality Water Treatment ("QWT") is not directly hiring nor employing the installer. You and the installer will enter into a separate and independent agreement for installation services.

QWT is not the installer and, is not in the business of providing the installation services or service contract entered into between you and the service provider, and is not responsible in any way for the provision of services or sale of goods offered by such service provider or Service Contract. QWT is not a general contractor. Except as provided herein, you shall solely look to the applicable service provider for the installation of your equipment. QWT is merely operating the program and platform that helps connect you with the installer interested in your project.


Real Experts That You Can Count On

Steer clear of the guessing game.

You are investing your hard earned money into a solution to provide quality water for your family.

We cut through the clutter for you to make the right decisions.

Unlike the big box stores…
Our team of experts recommend the best solutions that’s available in the entire marketplace.

Our water treatment consultants help you before AND after your purchase.

Our customers are like family.


Real Experts. Real Value.

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