Los Angeles County, California | Drinking Water Utility Company
The resident drinking water of Rowland Water District could be tainted by quite a few pollutants including Di-n-butyl phthalate and Dibromomethane, and may suffer with high counts of water hardness. Rowland Water District supplies this county with drinking water which sources its water from Purchased surface water.
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Rowland Water District Details

Area served:
Los Angeles County, California

Population served:

Water source:
Purchased surface water


3021 Fullerton Rd, Rowland Heights, CA 91748

Contaminants Detected In Los Angeles County, California
Bromodichloromethane; Chloroform; Chromium (hexavalent); Dibromochloromethane; Dichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Trichloroacetic aci… more

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Rowland Water District
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by Rowland Water District
But Not Detected:
1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,4-Dioxane; Bromochloromethane; Bromomethane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloromethane; Cobalt; Monobromoacetic acid; Perchlorate; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)

What's in your drinking water?

Find out which contaminants are found above Legal and Health Guidelines.
US Public Records
Rowland Water District
About Us
Sources of Water Found in December 2002, City Water District finished a source drinking water assessment of the Colorado River and State Water Task supplies. Colorado Water water is considered to be the majority of vulnerable to the effects of entertainment, urban and stormwater runoff, the increasing estate in the watershed, and wastewater. The State Drinking water Project is considered to be the majority of vulnerable to the effects of city and stormwater runoff, wildlife, agriculture, entertainment, and wastewater. A duplicate of the assessment can be acquired by contacting City Water District in (213) 217-6850. Additionally to these sources, Rowland Water District shops supplemental water in Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin and Central Basin. Water, including bottled water, might reasonably be expected to contain at a minimum of small amounts of a few contaminants. The presence of pollutants does not necessarily show that water positions a health risk. More information about pollutants and potential wellness effects can be obtained simply by calling the Circumstance. S. Environmental Safety Agency’s (U. H. EPA’s) Safe Drinking Water Servicenummer at (800) 426-4791. The sources of water (both tap and bottled water) consist of rivers, lakes, channels, ponds, reservoirs, suspension springs, and wells. Because the water travels within the surface of the property or through the floor it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some instances, radioactive materials, and may pick up substances caused by the presence of animals or perhaps from human activity..

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Rowland Water District Drinking Water Company and EPARowland Water District Drinking Water Report Info
Strategic/Our Mission: Bound by our basic beliefs — Accountability, Communication and Teamwork — we are focused on giving the most elevated level of administration to our clients — DEDICATED-RELIABLE-OUTSTANDING-PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. In doing this crucial, District places extraordinary accentuation on conveying a top notch water supply. Our History: oldTruckThe Rowland Water (District) administration region envelops a 17.2 square mile territory in southeastern Los Angeles County. The District at present gives consumable and reused water to roughly 58,000 individuals through 13,500 assistance associations in segments of Rowland Heights, Hacienda Heights, La Puente and the urban communities of Industry and West Covina. In 1953, under the California County Water District Law – Division 12 Water Code, the network casted a ballot to set up this District so as to give a sheltered and dependable water stockpile. The District initially gave water administration to 200 nearby farmers and ranchers. Since 1953, the District has encountered consistent development and the administration region is presently a mix of business, light modern and private areas. Financial development patterns venture a 1% to 3% expansion every year inside the undeveloped regions of the District. The District is represented by a freely chose, five-man Board of Directors who hold consistently booked open gatherings on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM. The everyday regulatory and operational capacities are directed with a staff of twenty-five full-time workers. The District's working arrangement and operational staff are directed and confirmed by the California Department of Public Health..
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
Rowland Water District Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

Rowland Water District provides drinking water services to the public of Rowland Heights and Los Angeles County, California.
Limited Time: Free Water Safety Report for Rowland Water District.

US Public Records
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