Hilton Head Island, South Carolina | Drinking Water Utility Company
The resident drinking water in South Island PSD may be infected by many impurities including but not limited to Radiological contaminants and Chlorite, while suffering rising counts of water hardness. South Island PSD serves this county with drinking water which sources its water supply from Groundwater.
What's in your drinking water?
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South Island PSD Details

Area served:
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Population served:

Water source:


2 Genesta Street, Hilton Head, SC 29938

Contaminants Detected In Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Bromodichloromethane; Bromoform; Dibromochloromethane; Dichloroacetic acid; Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs); Trichloroacetic acid; Bromodichloromethane;… more

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US Public Records
South Island PSD
Annual Drinking Water Report
List of Drinking Water Contaminants Tested by South Island PSD
But Not Detected:
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane; 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane; 1,1,2-Trichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,1-Dichloropropene; 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2,3-Trichloropropane; 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene; 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene; 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP); 1,2-Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloropropane; 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene; 1,3-Butadiene; 1,3-Dichloropropane; 1,4-Dioxane; 2,2-Dichloropropane; 2,4,5-TP (Silvex); 2,4-D; 3-Hydroxycarbofuran; Alachlor (Lasso); Aldicarb; Aldicarb sulfone; Aldicarb sulfoxide; Aldrin; Antimony; Arsenic; Atrazine; Barium; Benzene; Benzo[a]pyrene; Beryllium; Bromobenzene; Bromomethane; Butachlor; Cadmium; Carbaryl; Carbofuran; Carbon tetrachloride; Chlorate; Chlordane; Chlorodifluoromethane; Chloroethane; Chloromethane; Chromium (hexavalent); Chromium (total); cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; cis-1,3-Dichloropropene; Cobalt; Combined uranium; Dalapon; Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate; Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; Dibromomethane; Dicamba; Dichlorodifluoromethane; Dichloromethane (methylene chloride); Dieldrin; Dinoseb; Diquat; Endrin; Ethylbenzene; Ethylene dibromide; Glyphosate; Heptachlor; Heptachlor epoxide; Hexachlorobenzene (HCB); Hexachlorobutadiene; Hexachlorocyclopentadiene; Isopropylbenzene; Lindane; m-Dichlorobenzene; Mercury (inorganic); Methomyl; Methoxychlor; Metolachlor; Metribuzin; Monochloroacetic acid; Monochlorobenzene (chlorobenzene); MTBE; n-Butylbenzene; n-Propylbenzene; Naphthalene; Nitrite; o-Chlorotoluene; o-Dichlorobenzene; o-Xylene; Oxamyl (Vydate); p-Chlorotoluene; p-Dichlorobenzene; p-Isopropyltoluene; Pentachlorophenol; Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS); Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHPA); Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS); Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA); Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS); Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA); Picloram; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); Propachlor; Radium; combined (-226 & -228); Radium-226; Radium-228; sec-Butylbenzene; Simazine; Styrene; tert-Butylbenzene; Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene); Toluene; Toxaphene; trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; trans-1,3-Dichloropropene; Trichloroethylene; Trichlorofluoromethane; Vanadium; Vinyl chloride; Xylenes (total)

What's in your drinking water?

Find out which contaminants are found above Legal and Health Guidelines.
US Public Records
South Island PSD
About Us
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For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
South Island PSD Drinking Water Company and EPASouth Island PSD Drinking Water Report Info
South Island Public Service District (SIPSD) serves 25,000 clients The District gives Water and Wastewater Services from the Cross Island Bridge to Fresh Market Center. Our administration zone includes every one of the four of the South-End Plantations which include Sea Pines, Wexford, Shipyard and Long Cove. Our district likewise incorporates Pope Avenue, Coligny, Forest Beach and Point Comfort completely. The Water System demands 6 million gallons of water. While our day by day demand midpoints 6 million gallons of water for every day, at peak it requires 8.5 million gallons every single day. The water is delivered from a blend of: - 13 Floridan Wells (Approximately 120' Deep) - 1 Cretaceous Well (Approximately 3,832' Deep) - 1 Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant.
Drinking Water Utility Company FAQ

For more information on your drinking water, visit the U.S. CDC:
South Island PSD Drinking Water Company and CDC.. ...

South Island PSD provides drinking water services to the public of Hilton Head and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Limited Time: Free Official Water Safety Report for South Island PSD!

US Public Records
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