How To Filter Fluoride Out Of Water: The Bone Char Secret Revealed

How To Filter Fluoride Out Of Water: The Bone Char Secret Revealed

Written by Craig "The Water Guy" Phillips

Understanding Fluoride in Water

So, what's the deal with fluoride in our water? It's a pretty hot topic, and we're here to break it down for you. You see, fluoride is quite the globetrotter, traveling through our public water systems like it owns the place. Let's chat about where it comes from and why you might wanna think about kicking it out of your water.

Sources of Fluoride in Water

Fluoride is like that friend who shows up unannounced. It pops up naturally in the environment, especially lurking in mineral deposits. But get this, it's not just nature's doing—folks have been adding it to our tap water to give our teeth a fighting chance against cavities. They kicked things off in Grand Rapids, Michigan, back in the day—1945 to be precise—and it's been kinda like a dental superhero ever since, slashing cavity rates by a cool 60%. Today, over 200 million of us get a fluoride boost from our taps.

But fluoride’s a sneaky little thing. It also sneaks into our beverages from:

  • Farm Lands: Those pesticides and fertilizers farmers use can wash fluoride right into our water streams.
  • Factories: Some industries unwittingly send fluoride hitchhiking into nearby lakes and rivers.
  • Mother Earth: In some places, the rocks just ooze fluoride—can't really blame them.

With fluoride, the U.S. Public Health Service plays the role of regulator, suggesting we keep levels chill at about 0.7 mg/L for peak dental health. But like anything, too much of a good thing can be a problem—they cap it at 4.0 mg/L to avoid what they call dental fluorosis, a fancy term for tooth discoloration.

Yeah, fluoride's got its perks for your chompers, but too much? Not so great. That’s why it’s good to know your fluoride sources and think about purifying it out. For those of us who'd rather not take chances, there are several ways to filter fluoride from water. Reverse osmosis systems, for instance, are like bouncers at a club, making sure fluoride doesn’t ruin the party in your water glass. Given the possible health risks from overexposure, it doesn't hurt to explore some water filtration options and figure out the best method to boot fluoride out of water. Your family might thank you for it!

The Importance of Fluoride Filtration

Health Risks Associated with Fluoride Exposure

You might think fluoride just lurks in toothpaste, saving our teeth from cavities, but it’s a bit more invasive than that. Like an uninvited guest who just won't leave, it can sneak into our drinking water, raising some pretty serious health flags. There are studies out there that tie fluoride exposure to everything from thyroid issues to bones getting all weak like a soggy pretzel (Apex Water Filters). How much of a problem this is can depend on how much we're exposed to and how sensitive we are.

Now, here's the spooky part: many folks gulp down fluoride without even knowing it. In places where they mix fluoride into the tap water like a cocktail, it's the silent partner in crime. Chugging 8-10 cups of this daily could mean you're overdosing on fluoride, taking in way more than what's good for you (Apex Water Filters).

Research has spilled the beans that fluoride doesn't play nicely with our brains either. It might dim the lights on kids' IQs and make adults feel like they're wandering in a fog. It even has designs on our nerves, causing damage in the brain and messing with our backbones, too.

Health Risk What It Does
Thyroid Gone Haywire Throws off metabolism and hormones
Brittle Bones Makes bones more likely to snap like twigs
Brain Funk Messes with thinking and concentration
IQ Dip Holds kids’ brain power back

To keep our little tribe—especially the kids—safe from fluoride's sneaky grip, switching up the water game is key. How? Ditch the processed drinks and eats made with fluoridated water and invest in a filtration system that puts fluoride in its place. A good water filter makes sure every drop we drink is clean, safeguarding all of us under the same roof.

Getting serious about filtering out fluoride means we're putting our family's health front and center. If you're eager to dig deeper on how to banish fluoride from your water, there are plenty of ways to fit the right filter to your home sweet home. Check out the options that specialize in nixing fluoride (what filter removes fluoride), so that every glass you pour is a step towards a healthier, happier home.


Craig "The Water Guy" Phillips

Learn More

Craig "The Water Guy" Phillips is the founder of Quality Water Treatment (QWT) and creator of SoftPro Water Systems. 

With over 30 years of experience, he's transformed the water treatment industry through honest solutions and innovative technology. 

Leading his family-owned business, Craig developed the acclaimed SoftPro line of water softeners and filtration systems while maintaining his mission of "transforming water for the betterment of humanity." 

He continues to create educational content helping homeowners make informed decisions about their water quality.

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