8 Water Contaminant Types And The Water Filters That Work


Water plays an essential role in our lives and existence. Considering that the planet and the human body are made with water, we need it for our body and ecosystem to function properly.

Water Contaminants

However, contaminants can find their way into the water we use and if left untreated, they can cause severe health problems.

With our dependence on this natural element, we face a grave risk considering the reality that many factors threaten the safety of the water we depend on. From our agricultural activities to industrial activities and sewer leakages, there are many ways our water channels can get contaminated.

Knowing these possible contaminants and a filtration system that gets rid of these water contaminants is one sure way to keep your home and family safe.


Kitchen Faucet Water Glass Water Filter

In the US, about 86% of homes and commercial buildings get their water supply from public sources. This means that a lot of care is taken to ensure the water is safe and contaminant free.

However, mistakes do happen, and we can't always turn on our taps with the fear that today is the day a mistake was made. From movies and TV shows, you already have an idea about how dangerous it is not to have a private filtration system to get rid of any pollution in the water you use.


To beat your enemy, you need to know your enemy.

This is why we have put together eight of the common contaminants in the drinking water system here in the US.


Water Contaminant Types - Quality Water Treatment8 Common Contaminant Classifications Present In US Drinking Water


1) Pesticides:

Pesticides are chemical substances farmers use to protect their crops against insects, weeds, fungi, and other pests. From excessive use to substandard products, these pesticides can find their way through the soil to our water bodies, which contaminates them.

2) Metal:

Heavy metals like lead, mercury, copper, arsenic, and cadmium can pollute our water bodies and cause severe health conditions. These metals get introduced into the soil and the body as a result of volcanic eruptions, and many human activities.

3) Herbicides:

Like pesticides, herbicides are harmful to humans, and they can also find their way to water bodies and cause health problems. Herbicides are chemicals specifically designed to get rid of unwanted plants or weed.

4) Benzene:

Benzene is a colorless and aromatic material used in making plastics, resins, and polyester. This makes benzene a hazardous contaminant that could result in cancer or other severe health problems.

5) Neurotoxins:

Neurotoxins are toxic materials that can affect our body's neuro-functions. As these toxins interfere with the body's neuro-functions, we can begin to experience life-threatening responses, which may lead to permanent disorders.

6) Virus:

Water transmitted viral pathogens have medium to high health significance, according to the WHO. Viruses are especially dangerous because they have no cure; they can only be managed, so we need to take special care of the water we use.

7) Bacteria:

Harmful bacterias in your water are common for causing diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, nausea, etc. these bacterias can be found in our water bodies, and if not treated, they can make us sick.

8) Cancer-Causing Contaminants:

This covers a wide range of contaminants seeing that we only have assumptions of cancer-causing materials. However, certain contaminants have raised red flags and these contaminants can be found in our water system.


These are eight classifications of the different types of contaminants that are likely to find their way to our drinking water channels. Do the wise thing and get a filtration system that ensures you wouldn’t have to worry about how safe your tap water is when you drink, bathe, cook, or the numerous reasons we need water.


Water Contaminants and Water Filters Systems That Work

Quality Water Treatment DropThe research team at Quality Water Treatment has developed the chart below. The team extensively collaborated to review information from the CDC, EPA, NIH, EWG and even Wikipedia to develop this information.
Government Agency Logo - Quality Water Treatment Research

Craig "The Water Guy" Phillips

Learn More

Craig "The Water Guy" Phillips is the founder of Quality Water Treatment (QWT) and creator of SoftPro Water Systems. 

With over 30 years of experience, he's transformed the water treatment industry through honest solutions and innovative technology. 

Leading his family-owned business, Craig developed the acclaimed SoftPro line of water softeners and filtration systems while maintaining his mission of "transforming water for the betterment of humanity." 

He continues to create educational content helping homeowners make informed decisions about their water quality.

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