Discoloration and Cloudiness

I want to talk to you about discoloration or cloudiness in the water and where it comes from, and exactly how you're gonna figure out what is causing the issue.
Nov 23, 2021

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Private Well Water Systems (near farms, agriculture, livestock)

Private Well Water Systems (near farms, agriculture, livestock)
Agriculture water can be unsafe. Some farms use water that is actually treated wastewater. It’s cheaper for the farms to do that way because they pay a fraction of the cost if they would if they were using their own water from the water well or aquifer of some sort on their farm.
Nov 22, 2021

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6 Dangers of Hard Water – and How to Remove It with Treatment

6 Dangers of Hard Water – and How to Remove It with Treatment

  Just how bad is hard water, really?  Is it actually dangerous? Unhealthy? How harmful is it, and WHY? These are good questions to ask, because it's important to know the truth about hard water and how it affects you, your home and your family. 📣 Here's our answer: hard water can ruin your quality of life. We don't mean to sound the alarm bells, but it's true. No, hard water won't kill you. Yes, you can live with it. But the reality is, if you do nothing about it, hard water will cost you BIG – in a variety of...

Aug 24, 2020

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Make Clothes Softer with Best Water Softener for Home

Make Clothes Softer with Best Water Softener for Home

  If you have hard water, then you're probably already familiar with the main benefits of a water softener for home use: no more costly corrosion and deposits on your bath fixtures, appliances and pipes. But did you know that soft water can actually improve your clothes too? By removing harsh minerals from your water supply, your clothes will be softer, brighter and they'll last longer too! Intrigued? Here's how it's possible. 👉 Hard Water = Duller, Deteriorating Clothes! Hard water can be extremely rough on anything it touches. That includes your home's pipes, faucets, toilets and appliances. But it...

Aug 21, 2020

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Want Spa-Like Showers? Here's How A Water Softener Can Help

Want Spa-Like Showers? Here's How A Water Softener Can Help

Some people spend big bucks turning their bathrooms into a spa-like retreat. But if they don't do anything about their hard water, then all that money could go to waste. Hard water can irritate the skin, causing it to dry out and flake. And it can be rough on your hair as well. But even worse than that, hard water can quickly destroy even the most expensive bath fixtures, causing them to corrode and requiring constant cleaning. If you want to start enjoying spa-like showers, here's how a water softener can help... What is a Spa Shower? 🚿 The term ‘spa...

Jun 09, 2020

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